Anyone else just can't stand teen dramas?

anyone else just can't stand teen dramas?
I remember seeing stuff like degrassi come on every now and then as a kid, made me think high school would be terrible, it wasn't at all.

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I fucking hated high school and deliberately avoid movies/series that take place in high schools.

Literally me

Maybe it's because i'm autistic, but yes, absolutely despised highschool. Genuinely cannot relate to the "feeling nostalgia for school" sentiment

I had this glitch happen to me. Was kino
I hope the sequel with venom is good it comes out in fucking 2023 though

I didn't like high school when I was in it. But in restropect, it could have been fucking awesome, and a great time to experience things, if only I could had a different attitude to it back then. Lot of missed opportonities.

nostalgia in general is fucking baffling to me and makes me feel autistic as fuck. Why would remembering good times that will never come again ever feel good? It's like when people talk about 'making memories', memories are fucking worthless.

everytime i watch high school movies it makes me sad because i had zero friends and was suicidal in hs. watching the recent spider-twink flicks depresses me because i didnt enjoy hs, i never had a gf or a nerd best friend with similar interests. or international schooltrips or anything cool like that

The OC was the only druggy/teen sex show I watched to completion. I watched Summer Land before it was canceled and I saw some of One Tree Hill but I know I only saw a few eps. I can’t be arsed to get into Euphoria because it looks like typical zoomer Instagram filter bullshit for girls. OMG MUH DRAMA XD

careful, tranny janny will delete your thread and ban you for criticizing his favorite degenerate show euphoria

Nostaltia bait and shows romaticizing past times like high school are a sign of a culture in decline. You can tell times are good in a country when the art reflects the present and future.

Teen dramas haven been a thing since Project X

what do you think knowledge is

>Hated highschool

Did you make an attempt to socialize or did you decide to be a loner faggot? I fucking loved highschool, best time of my life

well at least you have a gf now!

im literally gay, but ok.

If I wanted to watch teen dramas I'd just watch anime
It's better in every single way

I hate them because it reminds me that I missed out on key teenage experiences and grew up to be an emotionally stunted virgin in my mid-20's.

Pretty much never gave a fuck about other people in school, so these sort of series were always boring to me. I just wanted to watch kino, eat nice food and talk trash with the other nerds.

Many such cases

>best time of my life

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So you admit that you peaked in high school.
Hahaha faggot

Same for me but with college. College was 4 years of regret and anxiety. Things still suck now but at least I get paid. I couldn't wait to get out of there.

The only thing I hated about high-school was the commute. I can wake up early and drive somewhere but having a license (and no fucking car to use) was murder. I hate public transportation like a fucking plague.

Did you not make any attempts to socialize after highschool or did you decide to be a loner faggot?

>Teen drama is all about sex orgies / people fuck each other constantly
>Are underaged junkies pretty much
That's not exactly how highschool works or was like, unless you're in detroit in the shittiest school imaginable

why does seeing characters with gfs hurt then, are you jealous of their bfs?