Why do Americans think they're so tough?

>be America
>grr I'm so tough I own a gun
>some hispanic kid takes over a school
>forty heavily-armed, well-paid cops in tacitcool gear gather outside for an hour
>can't go in, might get hurt
>parent of kids implore them to do their job
>cops beat, tase and pepper-spray parents
>continue standing around
>border-control agents arrive and o the cops job for them
>20 dead kids

America, everyone. America.

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Why are you so obsessed you’ve been making threads for the last three days. Go worry about your cost of living crisis and pakis.

>muh punisher
>in reality they are bunch of faggots

this has nothing to do with americans and has everything to do with cops being literal subhumans dredged up from the bottom of a burger king kitchen's grease trap like an uruk-hai in isengard

fuck off you homo. Go stick your AR-15 barrel up your "ass".

I'm sure they'd have gone if they were allowed

you are uniform-worshipping fascist shit.

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>I wasn't allowed ;_;

Shit proves that guns only cause more trouble than not

yeah that shit is peak dystopian

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I'm genuinely curious
What would've happened to a swat cop had he ran into the building and shot the active shooter?
Would he get punished for not following the protocol or some shit?

did you read my comment nigel? or should i put it in arabic for you?

>I didn't have form 37B/6 signed in triplicate by Jesus so I couldn't do it

LMAO you will be majority hispanic in about half an hour.

Honestly if this shooting proves anything it just goes to show the disturbing unwillingness for cops to actually serve their community. Fuckers are more concerned about protecting each other than they are school children.

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I bet those cunts went home thinking themselves heroes.

No duh, the ACAB crowd has ALWAYS been right

your inbred paki brain couldn't understand
>cops being literal subhumans
so here it is in arabic
>اقتل نفسك شاذ جنسيا

wait for them to sue the state for "ptsd" they got from this incident and watch them retire a few months later with retirement bonuses

and massive pensions

there was literally a court ruling a few years ago that cops have NO duty to protect the citizens yet they continue to put "to protect and serve" on the side of their pigmobiles.

Attached: Fat-Cop-Fat.jpg (500x718, 74.3K)

that mfer looks like a door stop wtf

are there no physical standards for cops in the US?