She has a point

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my conclusion of this drawing is the artist should move to somewhere safer. Preferably not a big city.

Fairly certain had she stayed back home in Budapest she could've walked like that at nights. But she is the one who chose Amsterdam.

Has she tried not living in a 55% white neighborhood

I've lived a lot of different places and it's definitely a personality thing. A lot of chicks happily walk through dangerous neighbourhoods in jorts and a tube top. A lot of them have to in order to make a living.

It's unsafe for anyone to walk out at night in large cities. Women are just more likely to be raped on top of being robbed and killed. Men just get robbed and killed.

no you fucking retard
i dont go into the ghetto and flail around with my money and expect not to be robbed and killed

what she actually means: i should be able to do whatever i want whenever i want without any consequences ever just because

bruh that's how I walk at night ya dumbass
I'm a man

Please. Maye a few neighborhoods. But most of the city you can walk around in naked without anything bad happening.


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dressed like that I guarantee she would get the attention of at least 3 groups of bong men out on the piss

>i've lived in a lot of places where lots of chicks walk around in jorts and tube tops in order to make a living
Sounds like you lived in some shit holes

Never been, I wouldn't know, just going off what I see her complaining about.

Will never stop being funny. Do they honestly expect to do any damage with fucking keys? The things that are barely sharp when new and quickly become dull after a couple of uses? Her fingernails could do more damage than fucking keys.

Her ego is on life support
>it's not me, it's them

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if you didn't live in shithole you could just leave your door unlocked and not even need keys

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>waah dating sucks more as you get older
no fucking shit dumbass

What the hell is she wearing? People don't wear whatever that junk is.

No she doesn't.
If she didn't want to be worried about get raped whenever she goes out she shouldnt live in some nigger infested shithole. That's on her.

Wow where is this?

fucking kek that's barely even a city. maybe if she lived in Rotterdam, but Amsterdam is extremely safe.

>modes clothing is a problem
islam is right, whores should be chained in the kitchen

>phone in hand makes you safer
This bitch never walked through dangerous area at night

Post more laineytoss

> she stayed back home in Budapest she could've walked like that at nights
Lmao no. Wouldn't be harassed by nogs, but probably a drunkards would still happen. Maybe some hungarian gopniks too.

I'm a 6'4 male and constantly look around me, change sides if I see a suspiscious geoup, etc., that's normal behaviour in any bigger city, and you should do it regardless of being strong or weak. Because if you get jumped, you either get a knife in your stomach or beaten down by multiple attackers.

Sounds like you never touched grass.

I do this too and im not a woman

I walk like that at day lmao.
Pickpockets are still rampant out there, especially in center. Saw a woman crying her eyes out on the border because some bitch stole her envelope with documents and worst of all, family photos she made while visiting relatives.

I'm 6'4 and you act like a pussy lmao

also men are generally far more likely to be attacked by random assailants especially in western countries

I intentionally make myself look like a psychopath in order to deter would-be robbers. It has worked for me so far.

The only country where I unironically saw it as true was USSR in the early Brezhnev era.


If you go dating by meeting other people, who go dating, you will be meeting people who are dating.


It seems pbvious. But what is not so obvious is that these people are often desperate and picky. This is even wirse on tinder. Guess who you will never meet by "dating". Your qt3.14 feom your local library. Where you will meet her/him? Guess again, fucking retards

how do you do that

She's not wrong. I'm pushing 40 and single, no kids, but have fucked my way into the biggest genital warts this side of the Mississippi and I gave up on "dating" years ago. I just pester some girl I bump into until she gets boring or she says something that can't be walked back and I bail. The one that got away got away, so there's not really much point in actively "trying" if that makes sense. Just roll with it until you die or your dick stops working.

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For some reason many women are convinced that they could gouge an attacker's eyes out with their keys after attending one shitty "self defence" class

>T. Future mugging victim

This is so sad and simultaneously hilarious. I want to laugh, but I feel bad.

> dating a client

Thats cant be a good idea

She complains that dating is calculating and emotionally stunted but at the same tine she is just those things herself

Knife is not necessary. The brick to the head can do the same job. After that, while you are down, all is needed is for the junkie to do a fucking tapdance on your head.
t. used to have a fucking epidemy of such attacks a long time ago.

She captures really well the modern urban woman

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