This movie is the definition of soulless. It wasn't bad per say, but it was just completely empty and hollow...

This movie is the definition of soulless. It wasn't bad per say, but it was just completely empty and hollow. There was nothing behind it.

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you’re right i don’t ever need to watch this shit again

Ironic given your criticism is completely hollow and meaningless

Yep. Same with Joker. Cool shots but ultimately meaningless.

the biggest sin this movie made was putting a fucking nirvana song in it

Literally the worst Joker voice and laugh I've ever heard in my life. It took me a while to even realize it was supposed to be him

So, just like the current zeitgeist.

What the fuck does this even mean?

Per say

I don't understand this reddit criticism anymore.
How can a movie be "empty" or "hollow". It's just such a vague and almost meme criticism it's funny.
Or is this just another disneyshill thread? (I don't believe they exist, but surely do exist some freak that believe x company is their friend and y company is they enemy, and viceversa).

It's like such a pathetic criticism that it's just hilarious. You can say that about any movie, and no one can refute at all, because it really isn't a criticism if you think about it. It's just a buzzword, deep down. "Depth", or "soul" don't mean anything anymore beyond "I need a criticism to say this movie is bad but don't have any, so I say this".

It's the same shit like those idiots that say stuff like "style no substance", ignoring the fact style IS part of substance of art. Or the whole "meaningless" brigade". It's hollow criticism that sounds snarky but has no real argument.

>This movie is the definition of soulless. It wasn't bad per say, but it was just completely empty and hollow. There was nothing behind it.
Do you have a real argument or just memes?

So just contrarianism basically?

Because it is a woke rehash of The Dark Knight.

Matt Reeves learned from JJ Abrams how to scam Normies.

Attached: E80F8F82-8EED-4103-A23C-74F36DF9BFC5.jpg (1175x900, 217.52K)

This movie is unironically a flop.

Twice too and so loud you couldn't really hear the exposition. Good song though

You can see too much of Batman's face. It also gives him less protection. A punch without the protection of the mask could break his jaw.

but enough about dark knight

What was up with batman just walking up to thugs like he was the rock? I thought batman was all about that hiding in the shadows and picking off baddies?

it's the new "dishonest directing"

but i loved myheckin batman calzone pizza doe

It lacks the soul of Marvel movies

>empty and hollow
>There was nothing behind it
>definition of soulless
damn sounds like a zack snyder film

THANK YOU I thought I was going fucking insane nobody was bringing this up. The plot is the same as fucking Dark Knight + the part of rises where Bane wrecks the city
Patman is dog SHIT

Nice reading comprehension, fag


How much soi have you been drinking man, just relax bro

All Batman movies are the same. Seen one, seen them all.

Mouse shills have been in hyperdrive since The Batman’s release. Blatant lies have been spread about it in order to dissuade other anons from watching it (example: the knockout game in the intro was done by an all white gang = lie).