Is this episode as cringe as everyone says it is?

Is this episode as cringe as everyone says it is?
Or is it just you fags exaggerating again?

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The guy on the left is really annoying. He doesnt play off others well, he's not affable. He looks and acts gay.
I never finished any ep with him.

The latter. It's fun, before they started to moralize.


Max Landis, screenwriter and son of John Landis visited Milwaukee to basically defend his film and then guest starred on Best of the Worst. He was extremely annoying in the episode, which is frustrating because the three movies picked were all kino. He was later canceled and RLM privated the videos.

Wow someone actually helped me. Thanks bro

no problem, user. I think you can still find the video on youtube. It's honestly still entertaining because it's the first Neil Breen episode. Depends on your tolerance for some cringe moments from Max.

Except for the Plinkett reviews RLM is pretty cringe in general

Max feels like a gigafan spilling his spaghetti the entire time. Its cringe because he's a faggot but its just a guy faceplanting jokes and gushing like a girl.
Mike's helicopter joke makes it worth it.

Landis was not as annoyinh as I expected him to be but I'm not sure how much of that was Jay's editing so celebrities would come back.

Unlike Culkin though he seems like he would be an annoying faggot irl.

Max Landis is unfunny, but not enough to ruin to the video. Culkin had his moments but Patton Oswald reaffirmed how much of a faggot he is

Who cares, it's YouTube shit.

These two definitely fucked each other.

Patton Oswald is one of a very few celebs where if I see their name on the dvd I’ll put that shit back on the shelf. Insufferable, short, fat little fuck.

Can any user who has seen the episode tell me what Landis did during the show to earn the animosity of everyone here?

>Max feels like a gigafan spilling his spaghetti the entire time
They hated Landis, for they are Landis

I can't escape the rumor of him killing his wife. Its been a no for me on his ass since hearing about it.
I just believe it in my soul.

who is it

Landis > Culkin

I found him no more annoying than any of the other RLM screwups, but off the top of my head:
>whiny voice like a teenage boy
>too buddy-buddy with people he only just met
>reactions cranked up to 11
>draws attention to the unspoken dynamics and inside jokes of the main cast
>like Jack, but more forceful
Basically he messed with RLM's chemistry.

why doesn't rlm have more guests? something like that will be very difficult to manage or maybe potential guest agents don't want their clients to associate with guys who aren't studio shillings

i hate his stupid voice and how many times he'll guest star


Probably because it honestly does them no benefit.
Oswalt is such a faggot he probably thought he could get "indie"/nerd cred by befriending the RLM crew and probably ran through pros and cons beforehand.

Culkin seems pretty genuine and wanted to go on just because he is an actual fan and likes the guys and their content.

Landis is probably somewhere in between those two reasons.

But for most celebrities it boils down to numbers and most know going on won't advance their career whatsoever. In fact if anything it could hurt because RLM dosn't have dedicated diversity and inclusion specialists on to monitor every word and shit it down if anything vaguely offensive is said.

Oswalt seemed like he sincerely regretted coming there, even if it was played as a joke. It didn't help that the movies they watched were horrible choices and Mike got so fucking drunk that he barely spoke during the panel.

I remember they were going to watch one of Patton's new wife's movies from decades ago that is supposed to be horrible but he told them to axe that idea.

He was just loud and would talk over people. Talking over people is rich's job. Overall he just tried to steer discussion his way and it didnt fit well sincs he was the new guy to the group, makes it awkward.

He probably didnt think they actually just chilled and watched 3 movies in a row. Got cranky midway through the second movie and escalated to full anger by the time of discussion

I think they are just more comfortable with the usual people and the chemistry isn't as great when a stranger comes into the mix. The Canadians are actually friends with them so that always works out well

I would take a gajillion Max Landis episodes over Fatton "I Murdered My Wife and Got Away with It" Hogswalt

i thought there was only one canadian, the dune review guy

Yes I understand, but maybe in the future they will have celebrities from the c-list as guests

Way worse than the Home Alone 1 and 2 guy.

Jim used to come with Colin years ago and the episodes were always kino. He was a little quieter but always had great jokes

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