

Attached: AmericaEuropeChina.jpg (2048x1028, 216.06K)

green gang

europes wrecking shop

Kill the green, spread the red.

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green > red >>>> blue

I support my new world bros (USA) fuck the old worlders and their bug culture

based brother

The Big 3 superpowers


The CUM zone gets bigger when you pull on it.

The EU is not a country though, this map is hiding German supremacy in Europe


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Yeah the sanctions on Venezuela weren't that extensive. If you look at pictures/videos of Venezuela you can see Fords and McDonald's everywhere.

Ideally the whole of the Americas should be green

the real reason is that sanctions on venezuela were a very recent development and they didn't last long, they've been eased as of late as well. Historically the US has and still is their largest trading partner, not to mention the US is the natural trading partner for the whole region. It'd be unnatural if their largest partner was a cunt in bumfuck other side of the world like gyna

Kill the red, spread the green.

giga-based fellow new-world brother. the land of washington and bolivar will rise.

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China will win. Middle Kingdom will rise again.

The good ending (after the E.U trading bloc is eliminated)

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t h o u g h

You only hate us because we're the successful version of you, my fellow mutt.

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I don't consider beings living outside of the Americas as human