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>right wing

The actual downside, Jewish programming, is not listed.

he is. the right wing is full of kikes

>he thinks neocons are right wing
>Ben "I don't give a good damn about the browning of america" shapiro

conservative tropes bad progressive tropes good.

Ben is kino

>Why is this right wing company obsessed with right wing stuff???

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Toobs is kino

neo-cons are right wing, do you think they're left wing?

They are globalists, so yes.

Oh no he's doing exactly what Netflix is doing, including shoving political narratives unnecessarily into feature films.

What's the evil conservative trope? Happy well-adjusted families? Dads who raise their kids?

they came from trotskyism and they hate republicans now

how do you define right-wing

Is there a live feed of Abby's bedroom?

Oh look another media outlet owned by a jew.

In 60+ years of its modern existence, conservatism has conserved absolutely nothing, has sooner or later conceded every goalpost to its enemy.

So how the fuck do we keep getting NEW conservatives? Who keeps joining this losing team?

>Who keeps joining this losing team?

Neocons are right wing.

JFL. Hey user, would you rather poison your body with coke or pepsi? Would you rather poison your mind with netflix or shapiro?

>Controlled opposition Jew that wants to balkanize the west as much as CNN.

They've moved from party to party when it suits them. Most of the people in the Bush administration responsible for invading Iraq now are Democrats. Have you not noticed that the left in the US has suddenly acquired a lust for global interventionalism?

>Ben supports every useless war that enriches Raytheon and Israel
>Too pussy to enlist during Iraq and Afghanistan when he was in his 20s

Fun fact- right wing and left wing are false dichotomies.

>neo-cons are right wing
Never comment on things you know nothing about. John Podhoretz, literally King Jew of PNAC who got us into the Iraq war based on lies that killed 250,000 people, just got done penning an article where he drops the mask and openly says the target for destruction by his almost entirely jewish group is White conservatives.

>thinking (((they))) dont control both sides
so cute..so naive

Got a link brother?

So sick of this misinformation. It a fact, but it's not fun.

the racist and easily conned dumb white people

Didn't know Vincent Gallo was acting again, I may actually watch that one

it's a false dichotomy in that there are other options, but i don't think it's useless terminology
yeah fair enough
ok, your point being? they can be right wing while still hating right wing whites

Cool b8


he literally agrees with the right in the US on everything besides a small element that wants to deport all non-whites. He was the same as donald turmp.

Its useless breh, in fact it is dangerous and I always recommend people steer clear from left/right wing dichotomies and instead be pragmatic.
Also Ben Shapiro unironically needs to be gassed.

Too "pussy"? Jews don't see it as their responsibility. They believe they're "in exile" from their homeland. They do not see themselves as Americans (or French, Russian, etc). In Ben Shapiro's mind, going over and fighting in these wars is what "Americans" do, and he doesn't identity as part of that group of people. This is why vague, universalist conservatism will always lose, because it's individualistic and presupposes that every person on Earth is a potential future member of our in-group.

250,000 shitskins who are not human*

all the racists are watching Tucker Carlson and the last president was a convicted con man

this. We need to support our girthy POC friends

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>John Podhoretz just got done penning an article where he drops the mask
