Europoors be like

>ummmmmmmm no we can’t ban kinder surprise eggs, it doesn’t matter how many innocent children choke to death, it’s my heckin RIGHT to stuff my fat euro face with chocolate eggs laced with plastic death traps

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This is supposed to be a bad thing?

This but unironically


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was probably black, i'd only imagine a black girl being this clueless, they're even dumber than chickens, zero self awareness

it came with the appropriate warning labels and such. i mean kids aren't killing other kids with kinder eggs so i don't see this as a big problem.

How the fuck can a three-year old even fit an entire Kinder in their mouth as a whole? This is the only way i imagine it being possible.

she was probably playing with the toy and choked on it. legos come with warnings about choking hazards. surprise, kids are dumb and put random shit in their mouths.

freedom aint free ameripoor

They were a secret german weapon all along...

probably a black kid, i see a lot of them outside and they're as retarded as they can get, dogs are vastly smarter in comparison, a black kid will just walk around randomly without understanding his surroundings and you're the one who has to deal with it all, so them just putting the whole thing in their mouth like a retard makes sense

>leaves retarded kid alone long enough for it to choke on a piece of plastic
>somehow this is the product's fault

That's the joke.

Freedom ain't free.

but you can swallow a automatic assault rifle, can you

Under no circumstances should possessing kinder eggs rights be infringed
No, it's the price of freedom the amerimutt can't taste
Gay kids and roasties WILL manage

checkmate euroSHITS, ameriCHADS win again

Toys and other things that can have small pieces always have a recommended age range, and I imagine kinder eggs have it too. That said, kids choke on small objects all the time -- 140 children in the U.S. per year die from choking hazards, and we don't have legislation debates on all 140 various inanimate objects.

If you sell food it should be food.
Change my mind, you can't.

We don't put guns in food either.

Thank God our government banned these death traps

If you're kid ate a toy it was a stupid kid anyway


low test

Ok now I get it.

it's just natural selection m8 don't be mad

Kinder eggs don't kill kids, kids kill kids.

Yeeees, German haha. Totally their fault, they and their evidently German weapons haha

unironically should have left her choke to death, if you're too retarded to realise there is a plastic capsule inside the hollow egg shell it really is just natural selection

europeonbros...we got too cocky

>natural selection
Plastic tho

She didn't put a whole capsule in her mouth, it's much more likely she choked on her toy. You have no idea for how many kids the process of examining anything has a step that is "what happens if I put it in my mouth?"