Is coffee good for you?

Attached: 1647634252204.jpg (1536x2048, 331.42K)

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yes in moderation, 1 or 2 cups a day.

no, my mom hadn't slept for like 2 or 3 days and now thinks that a demon is attacking her


she shouldn't have sucked voldemort's dick... or weinstein or whatever his fucking name was...

reddit neckbeards: the thread

No, cortisol turns men into effeminate faggots

i just noticed she has hairy arms

Not the illegal image, tranny janny save me

Anyone who posts this shopped image should be automatically rangbanned from this sub….shame on your fucking low lifes for having absolutely unrealistic beauty standards

Eating disorder

really? that can happen to grills?

user... OP's pic isn't shopped

Trannies can eat my shit

this is a 9 in england


No it's a stimulant than gives you fake energy by draining your adrenals which is why you crash

white do whites age so poorly?

new 'em

Attached: Walljak.png (529x890, 125.2K)


>white do whites age so poorly?
Lack of melanin to protect the skin allows for very rapid and irreversible sun damage. White skin literally cannot tolerate the radiation exposure of living on earth.

Notice the sheboon has perfect skin under UV light.

Attached: UV photograph.jpg (2048x1707, 723.39K)

A better question is why bongs age so poorly given their lack of sun to damage the skin.

Guys, it's not only the wall she reached. Something changed. She's not even looking like Emma Watson anymore.

Attached: emma-watson-haare-gettyimages-1384878546.jpg (1279x1918, 180.01K)

"I have never seen a woman up close before."

Attached: GettyImages-1384871785.jpg (1600x2400, 432.32K)

lack of sun to produce vitamin D

she looks too skinny in my opinion. if she gain like 5/10lbs it would fill her face and boney ass chest out

Did she miss her hair appointment? Why does she just have a bunch of bobby pins stuck in her head?

National diet of fags and booze

Her anorexia and no bangs has revealed her alien bone structure.

yes i think so

She needs to gain 10 pounds and her stylist didn't do her any favors with that fucking hair

not as good as a terpinolene-dominant sativa.

Average white women do age like shit, one day they are 100% creampie material then the next day they look like splicers from Bioshock!

You need to go back

Is this real?

Attached: emma watson wall.jpg (1536x1926, 576.88K)

Meh i've seen some with hairy arms, i live on LatAm, it's just that since she's an actress she's supposed to look well

HOLY SHIT yh fuck that bros...ima kill myself once i reach about 50ish, no way in hell ima look like the crypt keeper.

Why not? Crypt keeping seems like a comfy job.

I wold still fuck her brains out

depends on how you take your coffee (orally or analy)

Attached: c81857f0bf16b193ce8e9a2e4a1691a3.jpg (736x1309, 106K)

she's about as attractive as a decent ASMRtist. I'd rather slay Scottish Murmurs' fan, though. if you know what I mean.

and bust in her mouth?

its me

>Perfect teeth

She's still an automatic 10 by British standards.

kek I’m gonna start calling boards subs now

37 year old woman with a history of meth addiction. Emma has no excuses.

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