I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison. Two wars...

I was a soldier, Mr. Garrison. Two wars. I was one of those secret guys in the Pentagon who supply some military hardware - planes, bullets, rifles - for what we call "Black Operations." Black Ops. Assassinations. Coups d'état, rigging elections, propaganda, psych warfare and so on. In World War II, I was in Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia. I helped evacuate part of the Nazi intelligence apparatus just before the end of the war. And we used those guys in the fight against the Communists. In Italy, '48, we stole the elections. France '49, we broke the strikes. Overthrew Quirino in the Philippines, Arbenz in Guatemala, Mossadegh in Iran. We were in Vietnam in '54, Indonesia, '58, Tibet, '59. Got the Dalai Lama out. We were good. Very good. Then we got into the Cuban thing. Not so good. Set up all the bases for the invasion, supposed to take place in October, '62. Khrushchev sent the missiles to resist the invasion, Kennedy didn't invade and we were standing out there with our dicks in the wind. A lot of pissed-off people, Mr. Garrison. Understand? I'll come to that later. So, 1963, I spent much of September of '63 working on the Kennedy plan for getting all US personnel out of Vietnam by the end of 1965. This plan was one of the strongest, most important papers issued from the Kennedy White House. This National Security Action Memo 263 ordered home the first 1,000 troops for christmas. But then in November, one week after the murder of Vietnamese President Diem in Saigon and two weeks before the assassination of our President, a strange thing happened to me. I was sent by my superior - we'll call him "Y" - I was sent by General Y to the South Pole as the military escort for a group of international VIPs. I was on my way back, in New Zealand, when the President was killed.

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Now, Oswald was charged at 7:00 p.m., Dallas time, with Tippit's murder. That's 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, New Zealand time. But already their papers had the entire history of this unknown, 24-year-old man, Oswald. Studio picture, detailed biographical data, Russian information, and were sure of the fact that he killed the President alone, although it took them four more hours before they even charged him with that crime in Dallas. It felt to me as if a cover story was being put out. Like we would in a Black Op. Anyway, after I came back, I asked myself, why was I, the chief of Special Ops, selected to travel to the South Pole at that time to do a job that any number of others could have done? And I wondered if it could've been because one of my routine duties, if I'd been in Washington, would've been to arrange for additional security in Texas, so I decided to check it out, and sure enough, I found out that someone had told the 112th Military Intelligence Group at 4th Army Headquarters at Fort Sam Houston to stand down that day, over the protests of the unit commander, Colonel Reich. This is significant, because it's standard operating procedure, especially in a known hostile city like Dallas, to supplement the Secret Service. I mean, even if we had not allowed the bubble-top to be removed from the limousine, we would have placed at least 100 to 200 agents on the sidewalk without question. I mean, only a month before, in Dallas, UN Ambassador Adlai Stevenson was spit on and hit. There had already been several attempts on De Gaulle's life in France. We would have arrived days ahead of time, studied the route, checked all buildings. Never would've allowed all those wide-open empty windows overlooking Dealey, never!

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We'd have had our own snipers covering the area. The minute a window went up, they'd have been on the radio! We'd have been watching the crowd: Packages, rolled-up newspapers, coats and whatnot, never would've let a man open an umbrella along the way. Never would have allowed that limousine to slow down to ten miles an hour, much less take that unusual curve at Houston and Elm. You would have felt an Army presence in the streets that day. But none of this happened. It was a violation the most basic protection codes we have, and it is the best indication of a massive plot in Dallas. And who could have best done this? Black Ops, Mr. Garrison. People in my business. People like my superior officer could have called Col. Reich and say: "Look, we have another unit coming from so-and-so, provinding security. You'll stand down." I mean, that day, there were in fact some individual Army intelligence people Dallas, I'm still trying to figure out who and why. But they weren't protecting a client. And of course Oswald. Army Intell had a Harvey Lee Oswald on file. But all those files have been destroyed. Many strange things were happening, and your Lee Harvey Oswald had nothing to do with them. We had the entire Cabinet on a trip to the Far East. We had one third of a combat division returning from Germany, in the air above the United States, at the time of the shooting. At 12:34 p.m., the telephone system went out in Washington for a solid hour. And on the plane back to Washington, word was radioed from the White House Situations Room to Lyndon Johnson that one individual performed the assassination. That sound like a bunch of coincidences to you, Mr. Garrison? Not for one moment.

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The Cabinet was out the country to get their perceptions out of the way. Troops were in the air for possible riot control. The telephones didn't work to keep the wrong stories from spreading if anything went wrong with the plan. Nothing was left to chance. He could not be allowed to escape alive. I never thought things were the same after that. Vietnam started for real. There was an air of make-believe in the Pentagon and CIA. Those of us who'd been in Secret Ops since the beginning knew the Warren Commission was fiction. But there was something... something deeper. Uglier. I knew Allen Dulles very well, I briefed him many a time in his house. But for the life of me, I still can't figure out why was he appointed to investigate Kennedy's death - the man who had fired him. Dulles, by the way, was General Y's benefactor. I got out in '64. Resigned my commission. That's the real question, isn't it? "Why?" The "how" and the "who" is just scenery for the public. Oswald, Ruby, Cuba, the Mafia - keeps them guessing, like some kind of parlour game. Prevents them from asking the most important question: Why? Why was Kennedy killed? Who benefited? Who has the power to cover it up? Who? In 1961, right after the Bay of Pigs - very few people know about this, alright? - I participated in drawing up National Security Action Memos 55, 56, 57. These are crucial documents classified top secret. But basically, in them, Kennedy instructed Gen. Lemnitzer, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, that from here on forward, the Joint Chiefs would be wholly responsible for all covert paramilitary action in peacetime. This basically ended the reign of the CIA. Splintered it, as JFK promised he would, into 1,000 pieces. And now he was ordering the military to help him do it. This was unprecedented! I can't tell you the shockwaves this sent along the corridors of power in Washington.

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This and of course the firing of Allen Dulles, Richard Bissell and Gen. Charles Cabell. All of them sacred cows in Intell since World War II. He got some very upset people here. Kennedy's directives weren't implemented because of bureaucratic resistance. But one of the results was, the Cuban operation was turned over to my department as Operation Mongoose. Mongoose was pure Black Ops. It was secretly based in the South Campus of Miami's University, which has the largest domestic CIA station, budgeted annually over hundreds of millions of dollars. Three hundred agents, 7,000 select Cubans. Fifty fake business fronts for laundering money. They waged non-stop war against Castro. Industrial sabotage, crop burning, the works. And all of this came under the control of General Y. All he did was take the rules of covert warfare he'd used abroad and brought them into this country. Now he had the people, the equipment, the bases and the motivation. And don't underestimate the budget cuts that Kennedy called for in March of 1963 either. Nearly 52 military installations in 25 states. Twenty-one overseas bases. We're talking big money. You know how many helicopters have been lost in Vietnam? Nearly 3,000 so far. Who makes them? Bell Helicopter. Who owns Bell? Well, Bell was nearly bankrupt when the First National Bank of Boston approached the CIA about developing the helicopter for Indochina usage. How about the F-111 fighter? General Dynamics of Fort Worth, Texas. Who owns that? Find out the defense budget since the war began. $75- going on $100 billion. Nearly $200 billion will be spent before it's over. In 1949, it was $10 billion. No war, no money. The organizing principle of any society, Mr. Garrison, is for war. The authority of the state over its people resides in its war powers. And Kennedy wanted to end the Cold War in his second term.

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He wanted to call off the moon race in favor of cooperation with the Soviets. He signed a treaty with the Soviets to ban nuclear testing. He refused to invade Cuba in 1962. And he set out to withdraw from Vietnam. But all that ended on the 22nd of November, 1963. As early as 1961, they knew Kennedy was not going to war in Southeast Asia. Like Caesar, he is surrounded by enemies and something's underway, but it has no face. Yet, everybody in the loop knows. Money's at stake. Big money. $100 billion. Kennedy bred his target voting districts for those defense dollars. He gave TFX fighter contracts only to those counties were gonna make a difference in '64. And the people in the loop, they fight back. Their way. I think it started like that. In the wind. Defense contractors, Big Oil bankers. Just conversations, nothing more. Then, a call is made. Maybe to someone like my superior officer, General Y. Everything is cellularized.

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No one has said, "He must die." There's been no vote. Nothing's on paper. There's no one to blame. It's as old as the crucifixion. Or the military firing squad. Five bullets, one blank. No one's guilty. Because everyone in the power structure who knows anything has a plausible deniability. There are no compromising connections except at the most secret point. But what's paramount is that it must succeed. No matter how many die, no matter how much it costs, the perpetrators must be on the winning side and never subject to prosecution for anything by anyone. That is a coup d'état. Kennedy announces the Texas trip in September. At that moment, second Oswalds pop up all over Dallas where they have the mayor and the cops in their pocket. General Y flies in the assassins. Maybe from the special camp we keep outside Athens, Greece. Pros. Maybe be locals, Cubans, Mafia hire. Separate teams. Does it really matter who shot from what rooftop? I keep thinking about that day - Tuesday, the 26th of November. The day after they buried Kennedy. Lyndon Johnson signs National Security Memo 273, which essentially reverses Kennedy's new withdrawal policy and gives a green light to covert action against North Vietnam, which provoked the Gulf of Tonkin incident. In that document lay the Vietnam War.

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considering how obssesed eveyone has become with conspiracy theories, its weird that JFK hasn't had a resurrection. its a fantastic movie

I think jfk and 9/11 fall in a similar painful place, where over time enough details opposing the narrative emerge that it becomes evident there was some insane criminal collusion at the very top of society. Nothing you or almost anyone could ever do about it and the people responsible are untouchable and would have you dead 50 times over before you could hinder their plans. The Epstein thing and nonstop retarded psyops since social media became ubiquitous shows us that yes, these cumguzzlers and their ilk still hold the reins. Sad as fuck

One last sneed for this 'em to counter all the retarded qa spam bullshit in the catalog

>I was sent by my superior - we'll call him "Y"

Who was this?


Beliving in conspiracy theories = you're a crazy schizo Q-tard high on Russian disinfo now, unless you're one of those chapotista types that never shuts the fuck up about what the CIA got up to in the '70s but is completely incurious as to what they're doing now


Mr X is based off a guy called Col Prouty, his wiki page has the name of Y also

Sneed ik

Reminder that there was a book written about Lee Harvey Oswald before the JFK assassination.

This is based on a book called "On the trail of assassins" by Jim Garrison. After reading it and watching this movie I am thoroughly convinced that Oswald did not shoot JFK but was a patsy and that there was more than one shooter. The author is a former ADA and meticulously details his evidence in the book.

Was it really a homosexual conspiracy?

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That was a fucking trip to see. Joe Pesci and Tommy Lee Jones (2 of the manliest actors there are) dressed up in victorian clothing doing poppers and spanking each other

I'm a Flip and Quirino wasn't ousted, did they make random shit up hoping no one will notice?

I dont know if the government was behind the assassination but i do think they are responsible for the deaths of their own citizens in documents that have been shredded and burned. The USA must be the most successful duplicitous nation in the world. Britain couldn't even pull off the things they have done and still maintain this air of moral superiority.