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this nigga still alive?

kek is this a real tweet

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I know right? Should've just made two separate tweets

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George Floyd's killer was found guilty of murder.
Trump lost.
Keep seething.

Americans are mentally ill.


it feels disingenuous to bring up another tragedy out of nowhere when this tragedy just happened
typical politician i suppose

Obama is a well known sociopath.

The great satan does it again

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holy kek, no tact

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Why is he using the death of children to defend his racist views?

Dozens of white people were intentionally murdered by whites in revenge for that fentanyl killed black yet he does not say a word about killed whites.

If blacks worked as police in all black neighbourhoods there will not be white on black victims of police but black on black crimes victims of police, yet this mulatto will not say a word.


Why are you like this

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He's finnish he doesn't give a shit about this dogshit country, you're the only one seething

There is no better word to describe them.

Mexican lives don't matter until Black lives do.

>he "doesn't care about"" the USA
>posts a twitter (US website) screenshot
>of the former US president
>remarking on the anniversary of the brutal murder of a US citizen
>but he "doesn't care"
Uh huh. Keep seething.

> christian groups
When was the last time they read something that is not prequel?

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>the anniversary of a druggie thief piece of shit’s death is more important than twenty kids being massacred

They were Mexicans who would have grown up to be self hating racists.