You are now trapped in the last movie you watched

you are now trapped in the last movie you watched
how fucked are you?

Attached: guys-with-zooeyes-don-drapper.png (500x488, 314.88K)

I think I'm gonna make it

Attached: well.jpg (1000x1000, 124.75K)

I don't watch movies.

I watched lesbian porn


No country for old men.
pretty fucked.

Last movie I finished? Or what I'm currently watching?
Dawn of the Dead or Revenge of the Nerds 2

fuck, just watched Wake In Fright.

Did I have to watch the whole movie
Did I have to see it in a theater
When do I enter the movie, at the end? If Spider Man no way home and I enter at the end I shouldn't be subject to the forget Peter magic, don't say I should just to beg for a spanking, ....

Do I have to have seen the whole film, at least to the beginning of the credits, ?



Unbreakable. I'd probably die in a train crash

Pacific Rim, which means that would be pretty cool or pretty shit depending of where im located

I watched a German movie called Sugarbaby. I'll be having sex with a big titty German sex slave forever, she also cooks and seems really nice. I also get a kino job driving a train

In the Mouth of Madness
unbelievably fucked

It's a free country, brother.

Tron legacy

>Starship Troopers
On my way to join the Mobile Infantry. brb

Original ninja turtles movie.
I'm living at 25 in new York city in 1990. It's fucking great!

I know, right, I'd be fine. Most movies inform the audience so much about the most important events of a particular world so if you hop in at the end you pretty much get to be the best friend of whoever Saves The Day for the movie. So I guess Peter get's a new Man in the chair, hey wait, how many secrets does Peter Know about all the heroes of his world. He should know where Thor's senpai live in Europe. He should know Hawkeye's family snapped and returned. He can be friends with so many people. Um... Yeah, I guess I would just be like YOOOOOO

Does Coldplay exist in the MCU?

You have to be 18 to post here, newfag.