It's up

It's up

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Me: "The wall is a great creative piece of art"
Doug: "For you"

Douge-sama is so cool.

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If he doesn't adress the first scene of the movie in a way I consider satisfactory I'm starting another change the channel

He considers it art

>now, plenty of people have mocked this plane scene


>Friday night
>Why are you here?
>Me:Why, I'm watching the latest Douge-sama kino


He is a bald guy

Is it a good review?

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All three have been above average, but nothing really special. Hoping he goes all out for '89.

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For him.

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this review was nitpicking

he said it's awesome

You don’t get to bring friends, no, no, no!
You don’t get to bring friends, no… but
It was a cloudy day (It was a cloudy day)
We were getting Pavel and there wasn’t a big guy in sight
(No big guys allowed on this flight!)
Masketta drives in with three large, hooded men-
Are you leading this op, or am I??
(I'm sorry CIA, go oooon...)

Masketta says they work for BANE
(What did he bring them for?)
In confirming, I bulge my neck vein
(Go on get ‘em on board)
Who’d like to stay on my PLANE?
(First to talk will stay, but anyway)

You don’t get to bring friends, no, no, no!
You don’t get to bring friends, nooo!

Hey! High up in the sky, there’s no stuttering or stumbling
I’ll hang'em out the door with a gun without fumbling
Interrogating these shady wiseguys in their hoods *click* *click* *click*
It’s a big drop, it’s gotta be kinda humbling
Still this hired gun stayed quiet without mumbling
Lotta loyalty, too bad he didn’t fly so good
Will you fly as good?

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So the typical Nostalgia Critic video.

HELLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I'm the nostalgia critic I remember it so you don't have
>50 minutes of black furfag and nerd whore acting autistic
>this video was sponsored by!

A seven-foot frame
Mask under his hood
Until he put it on, Bane
was misunderstood
Who he was mattered not
What mattered was his plot

You don’t get to bring friends, no, no, no!
You don’t get to bring friends, nooo!

I asked him if he would die
Without his mask (No, no!)
He said it would hurt a lot
Then that big guy asked
Why would you shoot a man before seeing if he couldn't fly (Why, why?)
For me, Bane was disproportionately sized!

Con-grats Bane, you’ve been caught on my plane, was this all part of your master plan?
Con-grats Bane, what’s the next step you take, were you working with Masketta man?

Oh yeah, Dr. Pavel by the way

Bane told me how you had come to be meeting here with us now
Refusing his offer (Nothing! I said nothing!)
Hey Doc, why didn’t he just go ask you? (Nothing, I said nothing!)

Um, hey Bane...
Yeah about that plan, Bane...
I really need to know that plan, Bane
Tell me the plan, and the whole plan now, Bane!
(CIA, we're crashing this plane!)


Don't bring any friends, no! (Why did he bring along friends? No!)
Not a charge to take them, though
I never should have let him bring friends, no!

AVGN movie 2 (2022)
AVGN Vs. Nostalgia Critic: DAWN OF JUST (2022)
The Guy With The Glasses (2023)
The Spoony Experiment (2023) Youtube+ original series
Nostalgia Chick (2023) youtube+ original series
AVGN movie 3 (2024)
Angry Joe (2024)
Supper Villain Shuffle (2024) youtube+ original series

untitled projared film (2025)
untitled latza project (2025)
untitled angry joe sequel (2025)
untitled movie bob cooking series (2026)
AVGN 4 (2026)
DSP vs. WingsOfRedemption (TBD)
The Guy With the Glasses 2 (TBD)
James Rolf horror anthology series (TBD)

>mask isn’t even centered properly
If he wants these skits to show he has creative abilities he should at least try