Incel Chuds BTFO

Emma Watson is still hot, you guys are just coping.

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Trump lost
Hitler lost
The Nazis lost
The Confederacy lost
The capitol riots failed
Derek Chauvin was found guilty on all charges
Trump was not reinstated
Q was wrong
Gavin Newsom was not recalled
Black Lives Matter
Vaccines and masks work
You will never have sex

Emma Roberts is hotter. Yes i'm a Nazi.

I thought Lauren Southern retired?

>>>>>>>>>((((((((((LAUREN SIMMONSEN))))))))))

>Hope she sees this, bro.
Will Emma have sex with her now?

>post wall roastie offended by jokes about post wall roastie

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Is Lauren a blacked star now?

i thought those pics was some other bong wtf

You forgot Emma Watson is still hot

She hit the wall like 8 years ago


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>says the grifter
Also the fuck has Watsons womb drying up as shes childless and old with right wing?
Anybody regardless of politics can see she hit the wall.

Let me shit on your tits

what the fuck would southern know about that when she's lived in her sisters shadow for years

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>woman opinion

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>middle-aged woman
pick one and only one

Post the webm chuds

Post more Jess

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i love milfs but emma is ugly and disgusting


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