Turning Red

This movie is necessary

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average batman fan kek

Next, Pixar makes a movie about a boy discovering masturbation.

Where’s my children’s movie about violent bloody diarrhea?

Turning Blue.

> A girl's transition to womanhood is derived from exploiting her body and bringing shame to her parents.
What did Yidsney-Yidxar mean by this?

>getting your first period means you're a woman now

>Mei discovers her pink chysanthemum
Disney presents Turning Japanese

>squirting blood out of your private parts isn't disgusting
do women really

>not for the last 1.5 Million years


we found the pedophilia "uncomfortable"

t. tranny

Constantly getting blue balled by women

Just say you want to have sex with little girls. "Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed", right?

Same species that eat the plasma surrounding a baby after birth

Jews were right about women on the rag

This movie was necessary for my dick I want to fuck her so badly.

There's nothing inappropriate or disgusting about my shits either but I wouldn't watch a Pixar movie about poop.

>cartoon about children going through puberty with big "monsters"
Where have I seen this before?

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is he wrong?

I would if it was about a thick pixar mom shitting.

Biologically, no.
Morally, ethically, legally, absolutely.