"remember that?"

>"remember that?"

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I used to watch these movies all the time as a kid.

Senile elementary school teacher accidentally played this kino instead of "Remember the Titans" lmao

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I just found out this movie CG'd the dinosaurs on top of live action environments they filmed
kind of bizarre

Disney should have remade this instead of The Jungle Book and The Lion King.

Is Dinosaur any good? I never got to finish past the first 10 minutes of it.

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WMAF kino

there was a pretty dope ride in Disney World's Animal Kingdom called "Countdown to Extinction" and then this turd came out and they rebranded it to just be called "Dinosaur". Stupid.

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My grandmother had this on VHS. Watched it once. Then the tape mysteriously disappeared. Barely heard of it since

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The books were kino of the highest order. It was cool finding out that the author has a youtube channel that he actively uploads to.

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I watched this way too many times.

>move over spiderman and star wars episode II

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It's decent but you already saw the best part of the movie


The egg scene still holds up to me.

I remember suffocating from laughter during the boyfriend mind-control scenes.

it's pretty retarded to think any form of simian, especially some sub group of lemur would be as developed as they are with iguanadons running around, even though in reality they're millions of years seperated.

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I've never understood why they make live action adaptations of anime. Everybody who had interest in it has already seen the show, why bother making a compressed version of lesser quality?

Alzheimer's, dare i say.. based?

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