Is this monster only scary because of who the director is?

Is this monster only scary because of who the director is?

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Jews scare me

Looks like a regular black person

The first movie does a good job of building suspense until the reveal it's a monster.

Me too, user, me too

The creeper don't work in light or too close, also the newer one is worst

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nigga be creepin

The reveal that he flies was great because its just not something you would expect in this type of movie.

making weapons and other things out of its victims is pretty scary.

the monster has a director?
how is that scary?

Clownhouse and Victor Salva was the thing that opened my eyes about how fucked up Hollywood really is. The dude raped a 12 year old boy for months in Ford Coppola's home and absolutely nothing real happened to either of them. Fuck, Coppola even tried to sue the victim for talking about it later on his life.

The fact that he's still working and no one gives a shit, but Casey Afflck gets booed at award shows for asking a woman out.

>convicted of raping and filming a 12 year old boy
>sentenced to 3 years
>served 15 months
tired of jewlywood.

> Only in retrospect did things really add up. You have to remember, while this was a tragedy, that the difference in age between Victor and the boy was very small -- Victor was practically a child himself.” (Actually, Salva was 29 to the boy’s 12.)

Hollywood needs to be burned to the ground

Tell your kids if they ever get molested by a celebrity make sure to claim they said the n word during it.

>Victor was practically a child himself
Brought to you by the same people who say that Leo or some other peak male in his 40s dating a 20 something year old woman is PRACTICALLY pedophilia

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That and the focus on the two main characters. It lost all suspense in the second one when no name highschooler #36 gets killed like who gives a shit there's no build up when everyone is expendable

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>It lost all suspense in the second one when no name highschooler #36 gets killed like who gives a shit there's no build up when everyone is expendable
Looked at as a slasher movie it's still pretty decent.

Now the third was unwatchable.

The only ones seething about that are used up jealous roastie ""”""journalists"""""" who spent their entire career fucking and sucking to move up in the ladder and unironically throw the term furbaby around

>throw the term furbaby around

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That's what makes Clown house scary. Same Director who was diddling the youngest kid in the movie.

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