What are the most unrealistic film settings you have ever seen?

What are the most unrealistic film settings you have ever seen?

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unrealistic because he couldnt jerk it either and thats the only reason

I tried no fap once and lasted about 2 weeks, and even during that I was constantly cranking it to the point of cumming but stopping myself. It's physically impossible

Fucking Mortal Engines was utterly unwatchable because the core concept was stupid.
>"Yeah, that's the entire point. Municiple darwinism is fundamentally unsustainable."
Yeah but it wouldn't even have gotten that far. Whatever the excuse is for traveling cities (muh earthquakes n shiet) it wouldn't have led to these cities eating each other for resources. It's a dumb premise that exists to push a basic bitch moral that has been told a million times in a million better ways that make a million times more sense and you've abandoned all common sense just to artificially force this scenario to facilitate that moral.

TFA is also up there. It unironcally makes less sense than TLJ and TROS. It's just not as in your save about it.

its possible you can do it jesus believes in you

>visit parents over christmas
>can't fap during that time (seems rude to fap while on a guest bed honestly)
>get so horny after 3 days that I think about fugging constantly
Is that how normalfags end up the way they are?


Lots of people successfully do the no fap months. It isn't completely impossible

There is no reason for no fap. Only porn is detrimental because seeing a naked woman is supposed to be one of ultimate prices in life and thus watching porn fucks up your reward system forever.


Did…did you…go into that movie with like, expectations or something?

I am 27 years old and I never even kissed a girl

Fuck ill go with another Josh Hartnett one. This movie thinks its way better than it is. Plus it makes zero sense at any point in the plot. Every single scene plays out with the dumbest conclusion possible. The entire movie is pointless really. The writing is also super pretentious, you can tell how smart this movie thinks it is.

Attached: 699A89F6-E113-4EA8-A361-B516EEC7791C.jpg (220x325, 100.48K)

>t. got Kansas Shuffled
One of the best movies ever made, cope

Villains are a nog and a jew
Hartnet gets Lucy Liu
“These are people you don’t wanna owe the smallllllest amount of money to”
And they made the jew gangster’s son a fairy so yeah I’m thinking based

>guys I totally hate jews but racemixing is based :)))

lol this movie is total trash, but i dont have to cope over people liking it. I can actually handle the fact that people can like things i dont. You do you.

>but i dont have to cope

Lol absolutely filtered.

Imagine being challenged by Lucky Number Slevin in such a way that you think it's trying too hard to be smart? Fucking lol

>this makes me racists bones tingle, 10/10

Ok..well you must understand this categorizes your opinion to a niche crowd most people just ignore, so im glad you could have another movie you can jew jerk to at least.

Bro its total cringe, and i love how everyones defending it yet this is the first time ive ever even seen it brought up like ever lmao dont lie to me, you totally forgot that movie even existed haha
