She unironically tries Fentanyl in the show

>she unironically tries Fentanyl in the show

Attached: zendaya-rue-euphoria-hbo.jpg (1400x932, 96.39K)

disgusting monkey

didn't you hear?
Fentanyl is practically harmless.
Our boy george had 11mg in him and it didnt kill him.

Has she also tried not looking ugly? Lmao. Let her try that next

is there a part where she's being fucked hard in the ass in exchange for some heroin or something?

She can play one role; snarky teenager. that's her entire range. She blew up because the Spiderman films blew up so she's being casted in everything. Remember how we had to suffer for like 5 years of Game of Thrones actors in everything? Hopefully something of Zendaya's bombs so we don't have to see her in everything.

John Boyardee got Pacific Rim because of Star Wars too.

No, season two actually had to be toned done for her and Sydney Sweeney. There's a scene where everyone has to strip down for a drug dealer, but zendaya wasn't having none of it and the script was changed for her

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Yeah fuck that I'm not watching it then

All zoomers should try fentanyl. A large dose. Like 100mg.

shine my pecker off shaniqua check em

Captcha : VAXJD

>didn't you hear?
>Fentanyl is practically harmless.
>Our boy george had 11mg in him and it didnt kill him.
He died to a knee to the back which inflicted absolutely zero physical damage but did cause a stroke. Facts!!!!

yes bro totally wasnt him being pressed against the ground with a knee on his back while hes having a freak out

> He died to a knee to the back
Compressing the body absolutely killed George from the Jungle faster and for no purpose. Yes, he was dying before the knee. Yes, he tried the whole swallowing drugs bit before and stopped his heart in an earlier incident.
No, Cauvin wasn’t handling it properly.
No, he shouldn’t have gotten the sentence he got.

Nobody but me is in the right on this issue.

She blew up because she's not white. Most of the actors being pushed these days are swarthy or white hispanic.

Any source on this? I've been curious what got changed in season 2...

how would that kill somebody, unironically? was he made of jello?

Based clear-minded user

I'm not a chud but I'm starting to come around on this nigger fatigue idea. Seems like every modern show I see is a bunch of dishevelled miserable looking niggers and other minorities and everything is awful.

Fentanyl is actually not that bad once you've got a taste for it, I used know guys that would smoke the stuff with a bunch of other heroin addicts and never once saw someone OD. It's in tons of stuff through because the chinese fucking hate america and still want payback for the opium wars, so you'll see it end up in cocaine or bars and that's when people get badly hurt or worse. There was a case recently where a bunch of army buddies got cocaine laced with fentanyl and it laid a bunch of them out, was on the news iirc

I'm actually impressed that the USA Propaganda Media Machine has convinced the mask wearing drones that this is a 10/10.

>zendaya wasn't having none of it and the script was changed for her

Is Zendaya good in this show? It's not like she can't act, but I just dislike her in Spiderman and Dune

what a hideous apeish mud mutt golem.
I want to barf.

isn't Fentanyl that thing that prevents you from going bald?

Row row row your boat,
Gently down the stream.
Lower the age of consent to six,
Pubes full of whipped cream.

>teenagers are... degenerate drug addicts and that's... GOOD
wtf lads I don't remember school being like that and I grew up in eastern fucking europe

Cool it with the racism bud

dude had three trainees, an agitated crowd forming around him, and a suspect that wasn't cooperating at all
the crowd is the guilty party

I don’t know much about fentanyl but it seems like Rue would be barely coherent or able to move if she was on the ridiculous mix of drugs the show claims she does.

There is an ongoing trial right now where a doctor killed a bunch of people by prescribing them lethal doses of fentanyl, some of which were much lower than what George *dead faggot nigger* Floyd died from.

You should tell that to the court so the white guy doesn't spend life in prison. Oh wait, too late.


haha that frog is spinning lol

I like your confidence.
I'm offering you a job as the new CEO of racism.
You in?

tolerance is a thing and your body can survive a lot of drugs at that age

The real spooky shit is contact ODs from just touching the shit. A nutty fucker with a grudge could easily dust some around a grocery store or something and easily harm a ton of people.