It's time to stop

It's time to stop.

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stop what?

>steals his granddaughter's dog
Now he can team-up with Keanu for John Wick 5: Dog Eat Dog

Music says STOP. What comes next?

> wait a minute
> hammer time
> in the name of love

Stop pissing himself


Any shred of a legacy is rapidly evaporating.

In the name of love
>t. boomer

Stop right now. Thank you very much. I need somebody with a human touuuuccchh

coshing black bastards

but he won't

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His latest film is being distributed by a CCP front. I don't think he gives a fuck as long as he gets paid.

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Would be a great redemption arc. A movie in itself.

I know right? I'd even settle for a TV series

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Would unironically watch.

You can't just stop having a particular set of skills while chasing down those black bastards who raped that local village girl

I think he will retire once his Disney contract is up. No idea what show he’s doing for Disney though.

How fast are these Holllywood idiots pissing away their money that they need to take 20 roles a year even in their 60s?

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Usually property taxes, drugs, or divorces.

black bastards.
pissing in your pants.

>Lightin' up those black bastards

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