No. I am done here

No. I am done here.

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Now I'm dune hear

The Dark Knight Bank Heist Scene Power Rankings
1. Ewen Yerfentz
2. I'm Dunneir
3. Ike Hill The Bus Driver
4. Teaka Slice
5. Sum Thinsimilar

he didn't say that

>No McKenna with Drawl
Garbage list

For me...

1. Ike Hill
2. Dunnhier
3a. McKenna
3b. Drawl
4. Ewan Yafrenz
5. Sumthin Simmler

>Ewen Yerfentz
But they're dead.

Javenier Deer Hugh York Steelingfromm Ewan Yafrenzaded

>I am done
No im pretty sure he said "I'm done".

How do you know the names of them all?

>You’re Karbenge Hookealzephurmunneigh
How did Batman know Joker’s real name? And why didn’t he ever call him by it again?

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But Done Here isn't a name, that doesn't make sense OP.

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>is that a problem?
>No, i'm Dunkirk

Is that a boy or girl?

I want to fuck whatever it is

>Yula Dent took your place
Who was Yula? Was she Harvey's sister that got cut?

A normal human!

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>”Never start with the head DaVikrum gets all fuzzy.”
Why exactly would the jokers head getting hurt make DaVikrum get fuzzy?

>No. I am done here.

>Tell your men they work for Mi Nao
It's sad that a lot of the sequel set up in this movie got cut, I guess most of it was because of Heath's passing, but they still could have had Lau's men be present in TDKR

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>"I'm an agender chaos"
Why is a movie from 2008 so pozzed? Did they really have to include gender politics?

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Very fitting for the nurse costume DESU

Joker will never be a real woman, he had to kill Rachel to feel better.

>From this height, the fall wouldn't kill me.
>I'm Count E. Ghonnit
This twist still blows me away. I always thought Batman was Bruce Wayne but the gothic aesthetic makes more sense for Batman to secretly be some Count from some strange place. Still...why did Count E. Ghonnit tell the mob guy his identity. Was he actually hoping Marconi would die with the truth from the fall. How embarrassing, Marconi was right.

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These threads are gold, love how it makes so many seethe.

>Hugh Ja Sterling Phrogme

>These threads are gold, love how it makes Saul Manny seethe.
Who is Saul and why do these particular threads discussing the unique side characters characters of TDK make him upset???

>Let's not blow Thiseaux Di Preaupourshin
Why was the Joker against sucking off this french dude? Was he talking about one of the black guys or was there some french mobster off screen?

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>Igor TuWu Han