You CAN roll your Rs, right user?

you CAN roll your Rs, right user?

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I don't need to

Everyone can?

Not well

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I dont know what it mean


No, I have a french R (throat R). I try to roll my Rs sometimes but it comes very unnatural to me.


I need to make conscious effort kind of

It's pretty funny how americans always struggle to roll their r's but most of them already do so when they say words like "better"

Yes but when it comes after an n it gets ugly as shit. Like 'en realidad' or 'con respecto'. Can somebody tell me the secret to how some people can blend these two without it sounding choppy as shit?

those rs are trilled not rolled. and its continuous because the tongue doesnt change position from n to r.

yes, i lived in an anglo country for a bit when i was younger and wowed everyone with my tongue skills

No one was asking shitskins

Who doesnt ?

I dont think its difficult but in Finnish we sandhi n r nevertheless. Mun rahat (my moneys) pronounce murrahat.

I can, but I can't do it with the tip of my tongue. I fold it slightly to my right. it sucks because that's the only thing that give away that I'm not a native Spanish speaker

thanks friend. I didn't know that

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The fuck is the difference between trilled and rolled? My understanding was they are different way to say the same thing