Halfway through a "horror" movie and no one has been violently murdered on screen

>halfway through a "horror" movie and no one has been violently murdered on screen

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>halfway through movie and cute girl has no feet scene yet
>Look them up on Google instead

>watching horror movies

>half way through a horror movie
>nothing scary has happened
>main character says there was a murder last night, and he has the footage
>the footage is me watching the movie live in my house

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Honestly this can be alright if there's some good atmosphere and other spooky things are occuring. I mean, no one really dies violently on screen in The Exorcist, but it's still solid. Or the Shining, Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity, hell, even in the first Alien I don't think anyone dies until after the halfway mark.

you best start believing in snuff stories, you're in one.

Elizabeth boner goddess

most modern horror just fills the atmosphere with jump scares and rising strings into nothing rather than just building up to "oh god someone is about to get it real bad"

What do you guys think are some horror movies that are actually entertaining throughout, memorable and also rewatchable? Movies that don't rely on jumpscares and actually have an interesting story to tell?

The Thing
Get out
saw 1 and 2


reminder she is an insert for the jewish creators own daughter.

Which is really too bad since a haunting creepy atmosphere is such a delightful thing when it's done well.

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>halfway through your "life" and no one has gotten laid

kairo is one of the only movies I've ever watched to give me a sense of uneasiness, an odd loneliness that feels like impending doom. Had to shake that shit off of an get on with my life though lol.

Oh, other people got laid.

i want elizabeth to femdom me

shaun of the dead

who is this semen daemon


how hard?

Knot slut

Elizabeth Comstock