One of the most fucked up, disturbing movies I've ever seen in my life

One of the most fucked up, disturbing movies I've ever seen in my life.

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And where can I watch said most fucked up, disturbing movies you've ever seen in your life I might ask?

trailer looks kino. thanks for the rec

Looks like ps2 Eastern European bloodborne ripoff

it was shit


Look on youtube. 2/3rd's of it are on TPB

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Got a rip of it last year, only just now got around to watching it. Brutal shit.

I found it really underwhelming and seemingly narratively headed nowhere. After following the main "assassin" bomber guy, half way through the movie his story ends and you get a underwhelming explaination of where he came from that really just asks more questions than it answers, then we follow another assassin, who by this point we know is doomed to fail, and then when his story ends it just spirals off into nonsense going deeper and deeper into this mystery city that eventually ends with a cool sequence visually but doesn't answer any questions at all.

It insists upon itself.

Visually the effects are cool but the story is meaningless.

This is actually the point of the film- it's very nihilistic and bleak, very dark and disturbing. There aren't many answers, just more violence and suffering, more images of war and torture.

If you're wanting an easy story to digest, with a moral to learn and grow from, this isn't the film for you.

Nah, mate, it's shit. Something like Spider Man No Way Home is much better because the story is easy to follow. This is lame and retarded.

I hate plotfags to much

I know this is bait, but I would be very shocked to learn that someone who enjoys Spiderman would also enjoy this film, and vice versa. I havent seen Spiderman and never will. I wouldn't say this was "enjoyable", but nightmares and horror movies usually aren't.

This is a true horror film in every sense of the word.

>This is a true horror film in every sense of the word
I don't know, it didn't feel like a horror film.

horror - "an intense feeling of fear, shock, or disgust"

I certainly felt that during the film. All the more impressive that it was all from stop-motion animation, more horrific than 99% of live action "horror" films I've seen/

I wouldn't agree with this take at all.
Maybe I missed that, I got something of that sense of it cause clearly it is a completely doomed, repugnant, hatework hellscape where all are forced into a hellish existence, got that much, I think its just not in my personality to enjoy those types of stories, I always want to know what's behind it all, what caused it, why are these people doing this, I want it all explained, its just my natural curiosity. But I did like the film, it was cool, I just felt unsatisfied, wanting more really.

> I want it all explained, its just my natural curiosity
No it's not. Curiosity has nothing to do with being retarded and wanting to know why the Bepedibopis bow to the Loopaloos and how the Beneperis got their magic Zantarnt-Doo powers. If you were actually curious you'd want to know how the whole thing was animated and which parts were happening in real time versus what was added to the composition later.

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>I always want to know what's behind it all, what caused it, why are these people doing this, I want it all explained
But you'll never get these answers to life/existence, and you obviously won't get them here either. I had the thought after seeing it that "I wouldn't be surprised if the filmmaker was involved in some type of war" or had been a part of some type of fucked life/genocide/existence.
I've seen it described as "a cruel nightmare" and that's also fitting.

Nah, fuck your weird shit. I'll pass

OP here- if there was a criticism I'd have towards the film, it was all the live-action sections. I thought the entire film was stop-motion, and I was surprised to see the numerous live action sequences in the film. I guess they needed to start filming scenes as live action instead of stop motion? the movie would've taken another 60 years to complete if they didnt.

I'm not surprised, and wouldn't be surprised that the majority who do actually take the time to check it out are immediately turned off from the film for it being so brutal.

Even the filmmaker himself warns against seeing the film.

There was some sort of documentary created showing how they made parts of the film. I only have a rip of the feature film, do you know where the doc might be able to be seen?

> I thought the entire film was stop-motion
Yes, they lied to us. It wasn't really made over the course of 30 years, the initial stop-motion parts were shot over some years a decade ago, then some hanger-ons convinced PT to crowdfund the rest of the film, then someone had the idea to pad the runtime with the live-action shit and fill the new stop-motion parts with the most shameless animation shortcuts ever.

Nope, sorry.

Attached: vlcsnap-2021-10-11-22h16m16s760.png (1920x1080, 1019.76K)

It was at this point several people I was watching the film with got up and walked out of the living room to go to the kitchen and stare at their phones for the rest of the film, lmao

This looks insane, definitely different, wouldnt want to watch it with my wife though

>pad the runtime with the live-action shit and fill the new stop-motion parts with the most shameless animation shortcuts ever
Yeah, this is really the only downfall and shortcoming of the film. It's a shame really. Everything else is truly a masterpiece of work, horrific as it is.

Best scene is the one where the crippled dude living in the bombed out city makes too much noise trying to catch food with his rat trap and some big ugly ogre thing with the mannerisms of a housewife hears him and brutally kills him. Imagining what kind of harsh life this guy led, squirming through the rubble and catching vermin to eat, until being abruptly and unceremoniously killed by a ridiculous monster - who clearly only did it because his efforts to survive were noisy and annoying - perfectly encapsulates the bleak outlook of the film.

Its mad god for a reason.

and that's just the beginning- I kept wondering during each scene "How are they gonna top this" and they kept getting more brutal and disturbing.
I dunno, it really cut deep for me. there's a scene near the end with two massive monsters who are just beating the shit out of each other then get electrocuted to the point of vomiting, and go back to their lives of shoveling unending mountains of shit from one pile to another... goddamn man.