Counterpart Season 3

Counterpart Season 3

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>Apple TV plus
Holy shit

Are we having fun yet?

>people watch apple tv
lmao i got it for free with my iphone and cancelled it after an hour

what a dumb post
did you feel good posting this post?
you should not have

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nothing like counterpart except jk simmons should be the ceo of lumon. it's basically aperture labs already so they should go full cave johnson

Ive been saying this whole show gives me big counterpart vibes
Imagine how kino JK Cinnamons would be in it

seethe tim

Attached: severance_dolly.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Attached: wellness_s.webm (540x360, 1.73M)

She's literally me

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No. Severance is only 5-6 episodes in and counterpart has had 2 full seasons. Counterpart is better and will remain better even after all episodes for severance have come out. I can't believe they cancelled it, it was pure kino.

>creates a webm with the quality of a 2005 gif
uh.. thanks dude

not him but the quality is fine on my 32in 4k monitor, get a better monitor fag.

less is more

Counterpart is leagues better, but the intro to Severance reminds me of the Counterpart intro. The Counterpart intro is still way better.

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>lul apple tv lul
Imagine being so thoroughly gay you cannot even conceive of pirating it

I've never seen counterpart. looks like the guy from the state farm insurance ads is in it? looks like he is actually the main character? those are pretty good ads

Can’t believe he banged horse face

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He is and he deserves an award for his acting in that show.

Oh boy, apple approved propaganda. Sign me up immediately, here's my credit card!

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Why do netflix shills say this every time? No one here actually pays for streaming services... right?