Hello. What is a movie or show that will open my third eye?

Hello. What is a movie or show that will open my third eye?

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the greatest story never told

Third eye is the anus, so probably something gay

Buck Breaking

This one’s pineal gland is fully calcified

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This but unironic. It has shown me that my black friends actively desires a master(no homo)

Sorry, I only calcify vagina

Go outside and play. Movies are literally the antithesis of opening your third eye. You should only watch movies if you want to limit your consciousness and be programmed how to think

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You seem like a gullible enough retard to fall for something like this.

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Samsara is better because it's not moralizing

Agreed although the clown man scene should never have been allowed.

Attached: Mask of Madness.webm (960x404, 2.86M)

Fuck you man.

>that chicken scene in Baraka was a real trip killer
>hold my beer

You need to watch this like you need a hole in the head.

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fight club

Attached: Deep Thoughts.webm (720x329, 1.26M)

Passion of The Christ. I dare you to watch it without shedding one tear.


2001 or Altered States
