Does it hold up?

Does it hold up?

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>that's not antonio banderas

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Well nobody is black but otherwise yeah

No. Because there's no Haydee.

Superman thinks so.

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Classic Caviezel/Cavill combo

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Pic related Best Montecristo.

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I still jerk off to her voice.

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Why do the Japanese suck all the soul out of everything? Why is he dressed like a cowboy? Why are his legs twice as long as the rest of him combined?


fuck yes it does, best Cavizel movie by a landslide

just watched tis 2days ago , it was excellent.

Holy shit, I'm listening to this audiobook rn, didn't know about his movie... does it leave out a lot of the story?

It's not a bad movie but it's a shit adaptation of the book.

I watched this the other week. I enjoyed it but it was jarring how quickly his vengeance was over. Like, boom, done. In the book there was so much more.

Absolutely. Great film.

yes, it's one of the best prison kinos

It leaves out quite a bit, but it tells the story masterfully.

it's great.

Yes just watched this the other day. Really want to read the book.

>And I’m not supposed to want to be you …
Best depiction of seething envy and self-loathing ever put to film. You can tell that he’s not even happy in his “victory.” He knows that for all his wealth and privilege, he’s still a complete sack of shit.

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I came
revenge stories are best stories

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This shit was so fucking cash.