Come and See (1985)

Honest thoughts?

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too long

can't stand that russian gibberish toy language

Sometimes I hate slavs more than niggers

A truly great film and I'm so excited for the sequel. So fucking great to see Flyora kick some ass again!

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Propaganda aimed at people with no concept of the Holodomor or how Soviet propaganda always blamed their enemies for what they themselves did

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Cum and Sneed

Good movie but it's clearly a black comedy, only a redditor would see it as anything else

I like that it has a lot of comedy/horror elements.

It's also a good war movie, I think redditors blow it out of proportion with the whole
I love Soviet films and I think Come and See is a great war movie but it's not magical

>muh holodomor
Ukraine suffered less than Russia in the famine of 1933, Stalin redirected Central Asian food reserves to help Ukraine, whole thing happened because Ukrainian farmers lied about their outputs.

war is...

the soviets have a history of massacring slavs and then just blaming germany.

The Soviet Union brags about their "Scorched Earth" tactics, where they admit that they defeated Hitler by destroying their own supplies, as they retreated. This caused millions of Eastern Europeans to die. So, while the Communists brag about burning all the food, they also blame Hitler and Germany for starving all those people. Do you see the problem?

i never understood why hitler hated slavs but im really starting to

I can't remember ever finding any mention of "Plan Ost" by Hitler or Goebbels. I remember having a debate with my Russian friend on this topic, I asked him to produce some quotes or evidence from Hitler or the Third Reich, but he never could. It was all so secret that there is no actual German evidence.

I believe "Plan Ost", is related to the Soviet and Allied propaganda "Hunger Plan". The Allies claim that Hitler wanted to eradicate the Slavic people. However, it was the Communists who destroyed and burned most of the farms and food supplies in Poland and Eastern Europe, in order to prevent the Germans from gaining them.

Hitler had a lot of problems with Slavs when he lived in Vienna, but he also defended them. Hitler stated in Mein Kampf that, "Germans have no business ruling over Slavic people". Hitler believed that WW1 was caused by his own Monarch, by stating that Serbia never should have been part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and this gave the British a way to start the war, and bring Russia against Austria.

Hitler believed that Slavs should rule over Slavs and Germans over Germans. By mixing all these cultures together, it only caused problems in Vienna, and everyone would be better off ruling over their own people.

Hitler wanted an alliance with Poland, but Poland trusted in treacherous Britain, who completely betrayed you and sold you to the Communists. As far as I know, "Lebensraum" existed before Hitler, and it was just a theory. Hitler was only interested in ruling over Germans. He only wanted the German lands back from Poland, he never wanted Poland.

Imagine typing this out unironically

not enough russian cockroches died in ww2 unfortunately

Katyn was literally just killing off Polish priests/officers to avoid any sort of subversive activities or an uprising.

Blowing up dams is a very common tactic, the Ukrainians literally did this in their current war against Russia.
>So, while the Communists brag about burning all the food, they also blame Hitler and Germany for starving all those people.
No one has ever claimed the Germans " starved people to death " they claim the Germans went village to village, burned them down and murdered the inhabitants which they did.

Germany considered Slavs to be sub-human, their whole reason for invading the Soviet Union was to increase the " living space " for German people.

Bro, there are plenty of things you can defend Germany for in WW2, but pretending like their goals didn't involve clear intent to commit genocide on a massive scale is just retarded. The Germans were manifest destinying the Slavs.

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Extremely good film.

Makes all the hollywood """war""" flicks look like cartoons in comparison.

>Germany considered Slavs to be sub-human,
I think you missed the point. If Hitler was trying to wipe out Jews and Slavs, it might not be such a great idea to arm them and allow them to wear German uniforms. Hitler was helping them take back their homeland. If you can't see how that changes the story entirely, then I don't know what else to say. It sure doesn't fit the description of a genocidal maniac.

His views are that Slavs shouldn't be imported into the Germanic world and allowed to stay Slavic and spread their culture. To point out that the German standard of living is higher than the Slavic, isn't a crime. They are incapable of being governed under Germanic rule. Every people should rule over their own. However, the Russian standard of living pre revolution was much higher than what Hitler was comparing Germany with.

>their whole reason for invading the Soviet Union was to increase the " living space " for German people.
they attacked because stalin had amassed enormous forces on soviet borders
Guess why soviets had the most powerful airborne forces, had the most tanks and prepared convoys of fuel trucks instead of digging trenches

>Soviet propaganda
The film depicts partisans taking preteen sons from crying mothers into war, ukrainian collaborators raping and killing belarussians and partisans raping and killing german female officers. And the film literally ends with the kid choosing not to shoot at the image of baby Hitler, humanizing him in the process.
All of this was a pretty big problem for the Soviet Union so they didn't want it released at all, and they denied the release for full 8 years until they got fucked. And after the film was released the director Klimov literally worked just on freeing previously censored/halted soviet films.

At least watch the film before spewing bullshit.

meh, this is a much better film

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