How will this impact trevor noahs talkshow?

how will this impact trevor noahs talkshow?

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Normalfags don't really like trevor
A lot of normalfags are kanye fans

I dont get it

Kanye’s insane and has been for years but everyone I know hates Trevor Noah. Unfunny and unlikeable. His whole thing is being a foreigner who critiques and shits on America as if he has some authority to do so simply because he isn’t American. I can’t imagine that would fly in any other country and just because it passes as comedy in America it isn’t something people like seeing.

he's calling him a coon

America isn’t even a real country. A State is more similar to what real countries are like.

Lmao based af

White Americans are conditioned to hate themselves, thats the only reason his show "works"

arent coons supposed to be uncle toms? isnt noah actually the opposite of an uncle tom?

Trevor is same but lame
Kanye is schizo and based

he's a coon for the democratic party

In my experience suburban moms and mid 20s neolibs love Trevor

>be legit bipolar
>now everyone assumes you might end up like Kanye

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kanye west belongs in a ward

They called him the coon man.

there really isnt that much difference between states or the people in them besides the dominant politics of the region or if you go to the ones that are like 60% black

I was always confused by Trevor Noah's whole act. When they announced he would take over the show, I assumed the whole point was that he would take the perspective of an Outsider, commenting on America with his unique South African viewpoint and give fresh takes on how we think and behave, and maybe give some insight. Instead they hired a bunch of new york jews to write so he just sounds like every other Bill Maher/Jimmy Fallon faggot. What a waste of a potentially interesting formula.

Same shit happened when John Oliver started opining on the Confederate Flag as if he has any background on the topic besides "my wife told me it's a racist flag". I don't know why I still hatewatch these fucks.

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The wrong trevor died

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Does anyone even watch this shit? I thought everyone tuned out after Stewart left. I'm surprised it hasn't been canned yet like what happened with Colbert's replacement.

It has as many viewers as a middling daily youtube channel, comedy central will pull the plug any day now.

i know its scary to see people with different thoughts than your own

I still think about him everyday