Start watching this show

Start watching this show

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based unapologetic shill

are we having fun yet?


no asking questions

Attached: wellness_s.webm (540x360, 1.73M)

This is now a thread a about Milchicks ridiculously fat ass.

It’s fat and juicy and we need to talk about that.

it's very distracting


Attached: severance_dolly.webm (1280x720, 1.11M)

Episode 6 is pretty good.

Attached: VLC Screenshot.jpg (1466x632, 57.97K)


Pics now

Attached: 918A3DB5-BD60-43EA-AC03-901829DC319F.gif (404x416, 180.48K)

I like how innies aren't completely separate people. Like you can tell they have the general template of their outies' personalities.

Attached: 1646985865307.webm (1918x802, 2.63M)

Episode 8 and it's severance, severances why would they need a severance sub floor?

Anyone have a better version of this?

Attached: 1646999891645.webm (1000x563, 1.36M)

Redpill me on this

Attached: We've met before, haven't we.png (722x302, 238.07K)

It’s not out

It's the new lost

Except it actually looks good. Lost always looked shit.

Yellowjackets is the new lost

Severance is the new Twin Peaks

yellowjackets had SOUL

Attached: smug frog.png (218x271, 84.99K)

Yellowjackets is the new sisterhood of the traveling Pants