This nigga used to be everywhere, what happened

this nigga used to be everywhere, what happened

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Will Farrell had him blacklisted


i was surprised to find out he is a really talented actor
and not just Mr Funny Slapstick Man

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quick rundown?

He crossed the line, according to an insider he said something along the lines of
>Will Ferrell? More like Will Fuck Anything That Moves
Will took that personally as he is a closet asexual.

Wasn't he just in that Skull Island movie?

He's on that Lakers hbo show now

You should check out Winning Time

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He fulfilled his life's efforts by performing as Dr. Steve Brule.

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is this show any good? it looks like garbage

Check It Out with Dr Steve Brule? It's a great show

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do you not know how responding works you fucking moron?

Just google reviews, dork

uhhh spaggett

i want to know what my internet friends think about it

>this nigga used to be everywhere, what happened

He's currently starring in the biggest show on TV right now, the 10 part Adam McKay story about the 1980s Lakers. He plays the lead, Jerry Buss.

OP is retarded.

it's literally the best thing on tv right now and super comfy and wholesome despite it not supoosed to be at all. The onions critics hate it because there are lots of tits and cocaine. critics dont like tits and cocaine, but audiences do!

I don't know how anyone can take him seriously in any role after playing Steve Brule, but I sure as hell can't

he was great in all of PTAs kinos, then chose to coast on schlock