These completely mog every live action batman. Why can't we have movies with this level of fantasy and realism together?

These completely mog every live action batman. Why can't we have movies with this level of fantasy and realism together?

Attached: 20220316-220457.jpg (1080x983, 345.22K)

Because these games are basically a continuation the animated series, which is the definitive Batman.

Arkham City is kino
Big fan of Arkham Origins too

Knight was garbage and I hate that it's considered a part of this trilogy. The trilogy should be-
Nothing else

>no Origins

Based, couldn't agree more.

I honestly don’t get why origins got so much hate
Is A Matter of Family worth picking up?
It’s literally never been listed on sale but I don’t want to pay full price for it.

Attached: DBC39AED-0BF3-42AB-9EEF-9EC80B3BD8D4.jpg (800x800, 100.33K)

Yeah but even animated Batman movies aren't exactly home runs anymore.


No it's not worth it imo

No. I don't think any of the DLC for these games was worthwhile personally. It's short and adds nothing of real value.

>batman logo shaped non-boob window
fuck off

>I honestly don’t get why origins got so much hate
Because it looked and played like an asset flip and was overall middling. There's been worse but it really lacked punch and mostly felt like "City but with different bosses"

It's worth it if you like Babs. Otherwise no.

The Arkham Origins trailer with Deathstroke is cooler than any Batman film I've seen.

That's what the Batfleck movie would've been similar to. They robbed us.

The complete edition is extremely cheap across all platforms. No reason not to get it.

I don't remember anything about it except batgirl was pretty hot. Such a shame they ended on Knight, it was a true peak for the graphics and Bat gameplay.

They are quite good but Nolan's batman is still a great contenter.

It's because Nolan's movies were super popular and people hated BvS. So they just went back to their own interpretation of Batman instead of "oh what if he was actually a peak human, super genius that fights super powered freaks?"

Knight was great, just had bugs early on and too much batmobile.

Origins didn't deserve it. It's forgettable but it was fun.

>live action
there you figured out why

I do like babs
Like a lot