I thought China likes bats?

I thought China likes bats?

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He’s too gay and Emo for China

Half the population is quarantining again. There was a huge spike of the 'rona. So thats likely why.

Emo fits batman. At least young version.

To be fair, there’s nothing exciting in this movie that China would like.
There’s barely any action. And what few action in the movie is bland and poorly shot.

China wants big flashy movies. Like Transformers, Godzilla, and Marvel. They want movies they can escape to.

>He’s too gay and Emo for China
literally batman

>Emo fits batman.
No it doesn’t.
Batman was a scientist strongman dressed in blue that beats up dinosaurs and aliens with his young ward.

Him being le emo nirvana sucks.

They do like bats, but they dislike boring movies even more.

Go back to listening to Linkin Park, kid.

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China is literal a country of weak beta faggots.

Yet they are pwning America in everything.

>And what few action in the movie is bland and poorly shot.

ok disney shill.

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gee maybe if catwoman, a sexy character, wasn’t played by a sexless, disgusting NIGGER people would want to see the movie.

Because the movie is Anti-White, Pro-black Woke Propaganda.

China doesn’t want the woke sickness infecting their country.

It's sad that it took this long for someone to give the answer. It's obvious that the people here have never met an Asian person in their entire lives. They'd fucking hate the Catwoman and so that's why they don't want to see the movie.

What an epic film. Avengers Endgame BTFO. How can Disney compete?

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After the last few years people want something to brighten their day, not some edgy overdramatized bullshit that takes it self way too seriously.

couldn't be that the rest of the world is sick and tired of our ceaseless self important superhero turds that keep getting rebooted telling the same goddamned story over and over again

Too many black people.

Maybe but only in the soup. This soup has black people in it. A daring synthesis for the chinaman.

no incel, it's the 'rona

it’s 3 hours long

>Batman was a scientis
What about before he was a scientist? What was he? You're talking about a late period of his life.

They like bats not niggers

>it's the 'rona


The movie that made the 2nd most money last year made 100% of its money in China. 900 million. What do you have to say now that you've been proven wrong? Make it good.

Not in year 2 it doesn't. He needed to get that shit out a long time ago.