This looks cringe as fuck

This looks cringe as fuck.

Attached: 70DACF18-8450-4D08-8435-8376D3CB4B14.jpg (1440x1080, 208.59K)

>Black women
I will now watch your show or movie idk what this is but I will watch

jesus her gap is like an action figure

Wait a minute...has that dude...pissed himself?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-16 at 20.01.58.png (1462x862, 988.13K)

What show?

someone post the hot one pls

Does he fug her?

It is cringe. It's like Corner Gas with sex jokes.

Ledderkenny? Not sure but fuck OP for not saying, he’s a toothless faggot.

reddet kringey

wait til you get to the "le art-right" episodes...

Thx fren

why would you shoop that dudes neck like that

Canadians are generally fairly fucking embarrassing. No testicles at all.


that was just one episode
a bad one for sure but by that time the show dropped off in quality a lot

trash reddit show for those that enjoy globohomo propaganda (so naturally canadians love it)

it was downhill after "couple hockey players come down the fruit stand the other day"

Jimmi Dore, is that you?

Attached: smol.png (2560x1440, 3.6M)

I liked it until they decided that the two french girlfriends were cheaters for no reason
still it had worn thin long before that
best parts were always the methgoths and the hockey players



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