Abrahamic religions have had insurmountable consequences for humanity and the world would be infinitely better off if...

Abrahamic religions have had insurmountable consequences for humanity and the world would be infinitely better off if they were permanently banned.

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Other urls found in this thread:

soar.wichita.edu/bitstream/handle/10057/2112/LAJ 2007_70-83.pdf

That's not true. Jesus gives hope to people. He has already proven through his miracles that he has the ability AND the will to cure people from sickness and death and to end wars and violence all around the earth


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I agree user
Ignore the tone deaf jwschizo btw anons, if you wish to preserve your IQ
Your welcome

See what you did? You summoned an annual Jehova witness

>insurmountable consequences for humanity
Yes, really good ones.
>better off if they were permanently banned.
Why would you wish to get rid of that which is good?

You're right. Chuds will seethe though.

Pondering what could have been is a useless afair. As Mechanically speaking nothing else could have or will be. This is it. Despair or not, for it is already recorded

This user is a JWtard. Dont believe anything he says

Why not ? We have the true theology

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Christianity replaced infinitely worse pagan religions.

Theres a reason christianity first spread among the poor and women.

you didn't do anything except culling humans like animals for not believing in your man made god

This. It's because christianity is compassionate towards the poor and the unfortunate. Jehovah's love reaches the hearts of sincere people

Not an argument.

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>culling humans like animals

Why are you making things up ?

>man made god

Most gods are man-made, but the Almighty Creator isn't

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what does this mean?

of course they did
they civilized the natives so good that the dead bodies of those children can still be found in Canadian churches
but it doesn't really matters does it? at the end of the day they all got civilized more or less

>Abrahamic religions have had insurmountable consequences for humanity and the world would be infinitely better off if they were permanently banned.

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Catholics did this, not christians.

>still no argument

Without christianity you'd be wandering in the forest naked getting high on mushrooms and sacrificing your babies to the druids

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Law is not above religion, religion is above law.


Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man. Abrahamic religions teach man to cope, that's why the poorest and the dumbest adopt it so easily, because it offers them the consolation that when they die all the sorrows they have suffered in this world were not pointless.

jehovah's witnesses - a dangerous cult

>Why are you making things up ?
>soar.wichita.edu/bitstream/handle/10057/2112/LAJ 2007_70-83.pdf
None of the religions in the world are real. They are all man-made.
And as for culling the humans I can post a lot more things.

That story from Canada was fake, no bodies were ever found. Degenerates just wanted an excuse to burn down some churches.

better check some neutral source instead of their site

At least I learned in middle school and high school that Christians were cruel invaders in South America

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You're welcome !

Everything in the Bible is true

This has been debunked


All these are catholics

What does it have to do with christianity ?

It's a neutral source