Describe this character WITHOUT saying “Wolverine but gurl”

Describe this character WITHOUT saying “Wolverine but gurl”

Attached: X23.jpg (2078x2494, 1.21M)

it's a girl with claws

Look at that fist placement, where are the claws coming from?

wolverine but not man

Why? That's literally what she is

lol, that's lazy

drugzone latina pre-teenager with +30% lethality

Hot psycho slut I wanna bang - With claws!

Attached: 7FDF8275-D578-4BEC-AE13-D57E610FF890.jpg (456x456, 22.9K)

no she didn't you freak. she's fucking ugly as a kid. she's perfect now

Logan but female


finger but hole

yes she did, she looks absolutely hideous now

Jackie Chan

Gurl but wolfereen

Feral mutant clone child?

nobody agrees with you faggot retard

Feral child experiment with cat like reflexes

Going into reading NYX I thought she was a teen whore who caters to sadists because they can cut her up and disembowel her and shit and she'll be fine. But instead she catered to masochists who wanted her to cut them. Why would they avoid such an obvious direction?

Everyone agrees with him. She's nasty old bitch now

X-23 has her own clone (Scout) now.

Attached: 8E507A45-4B10-4BC1-8926-C9D13191967C.jpg (362x631, 83.59K)

I feel so bad for non-hebe actual pedophiles like you. That’s actual sickness.

Based poster. Dafne looks amazing, her body is incredible.

>hurr am I cool yet guise??? I said faggot retard I'm one of you now r-right???

Oh no! It’s hiiiiiideous!

I’ve seen plenty of people liking Dafne more and more. You just are used to your pedo chatrooms

>literally has hair running up to that disgusting belly button
you guys are the sick ones

What happens if you clone her? Will the new clone even have claws at all?

Honey Badger was the better persona

wolverine but with periods

This. Cunny was best period for her.

Logan yet female

>non-hebe actual pedophiles
There's only one type of pedophile user and that's pedophiles.
You're not off the hook just because your underage victims are 5years older.

Huh? Thats simply not true. There are pedophiles, and then there are hebephiles.

Are you really just deciding that its your word over the word of 1000s of scientists?

>There are pedophiles, and then there are hebephiles.
Both are pedos. Kill yourself.

I feel like we're not actually talking about William Dafne...

Wolverine but smol and cute

>actually officer it's hebephilia
>wait this isn't the way to the police station