Whats the wokest movie you've ever seen

Whats the wokest movie you've ever seen

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That's a good question. I think it might be this because I can't even think of a second movie I've seen about homosexuals. It's actually a really good movie.

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I'm sure they can get a lot more woke but this is it for me.

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it should say based on an untrue story

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They had gender neutral bathroom/they/them references/everyone gay in high school
I know its based out of LA but I don’t even know if zoomers are really like this (although my zoomer nieces and cousins are very gay)

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Came here to post this.

why do some people pronounce NASA "nassau"

this movie is like the exact opposite of what woke means.

You sure you aren't confusing NASA with actual places called Nassau?

I saw that so long ago I must have missed the woke part. The homophobic dad is bad ? Don't deflower the super hot blonde teenager if you're over 40 ?

Woke culture doesn't even exist anymore. 4channers essentially are the modern 'woke' crowd.

No, I'm talking about people who pronounce NASA and Nassau the same way

Niggerfaggot, please.

How is this a woke film? Not a black person in sight, the one gay character is an asshole murderer, a big chunk of the film is about wanting to fuck an underage girl, and it stars Kevin Spacey. I guess I was awake when I watched it ...?

>800,000 people involved in putting Man on the moon.
>These three black women, of which two might not have had anything to do with the mission at all, were the real heroes!

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its so hard to watch but Sam Rockwell crushes it here.

I've never seen anyone do this.

Yeah, I'm sure the janitor scooping up the metric tons of cigarette ashes were just as responsible.

Only looking back do I their true purpose.

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Battleship Potenkim