Dude these criminals are too violent for me

>dude these criminals are too violent for me

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>maybe I should have noticed that allowing demographic change would disrupt my community
Do boomers really find this deep?

>I guess you could say it's no country for you, old man

old good, new bad :(

> What you got ain't nothin' new. This country's hard on people. You can't stop what's coming. It ain't all waiting on you. That's vanity.

Fav scene.

>"How fresh is that coffee?", "I generally make a fresh pot every week, even if there's some left over"

There was this shitposter I banned here awhile back.
My report and my banning. He posted a 14 year old girl.
Anons said it was based and cunny-pilled but he told me there wasn’t anything based about it. Told me that he’d been planning to spam Any Forums for about as long as he could remember.
Said that if we unbanned him he’d do it again. Said he knew he was going to get rangebanned; happen in about fifteen minutes.
I don’t know what to make of that. I sure do don’t.
The shitposting you see now, it’s hard to even take its measure.
It’s not that I’m afraid of it. I always knew you had to be willing to do it for free to even do this job But I don’t want to push my chips forward and go out and meet something I don’t understand.
A jannie would have to put his soul at hazard.
He would have to say, okay, I’ll be part of this board.

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it's a dismal tide

Truly an old man with no country to go to.


Zoomers violent, no class

Did anyone save the coofer version of this post back when covid was kicking off?

the movie is set in 2007, it's about millennials

Alright then. Two of 'em. Both had the janitor in 'em. It's peculiar. I've browsed this board longer than he's been cleaning it. So in a sense he's the newfag. Anyway, first one I don't remember too well but it was about me posting in an off-topic thread, he's gonna give me a ban. I think I turned airplane mode on/off and lost it.

The second one, it was like we was both back in older times, and I was on Any Forums going through some threads at night. Goin' through this trap thread on page 12. It was cold and there were pissjugs on the ground, and the janny just scrolled past me and kept on deleting. Never sent a warning or nothing', just scrolled on past. And he had his trenchcoat wrapped around him and his head down. When he went past I seen he was adding [USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST] the way mods used to, and I could see the red text on the screen - about the colour of the inside of a hotpocket. And in the dream I knew that he was goin' on ahead and he was fixin' to delete a cunny thread somewhere out there in all that dark and all that cold. And I knew that whenever I got there, he'd be there. And then I logged off.

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These are really enjoyable pastas. Even though ive seen them before it is good to see them again.

>I don't get it, all the criminals I've ever deal with were niggers, but this Chigger guy surprisingly not a nigger... I am too old for this shit

>Well... I need to see about changing to Tomorrow theme.
>Changing to Tomorrow theme?
>What time do you usually put dark mode on?
>Now. We put dark mode on now.
>Now is not a time. What time do you change to dark mode?
>Generally around dark. At dark.
>You don't know what you're shitposting about, do you?
>I said you don't know what you're shitposting about... What time do you browse Reddit?
>You're a bit deaf, aren't you? I said what time do you browse Reddit?
>Well... I'd say around nine-thirty. Somewhere around nine-thirty.
>I could come start a thread then.
>Why would you bother posting then? I’ll be on Reddit.
>You said that.
>Well... I need to delete this thread now-
>You post in that there mod account back on Reddit?
>Yes I do.
>You've posted there all your life?
>This was my wife's son’s account. Originally.
>For no monetary compensation.
>We posted on Something Awful for many years. Cleaned up lots of threads there. We come out to Reddit about four years ago.
>For no monetary compensation.
>...If that's the way you wanna put it.
>I don't have some way to put it. That's the way it is.

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What's the longest you've ever been banned on a shitpost?

Continue it about the dream


Step out of the thread please

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The longest

You've ever been banned

On a shitpost

are you not aware that this is happening in the real world and people dont notice it?

You retard didnt watch the movie, right? They state it was never a country for old men. It didnt get worse it was always shit

this is one of the best movies of all time

>my father was carrying this Any Forums torch



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it's actually set in the 80s

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There will never be a movie better than this