George Lucas was 33 when he released star wars

George Lucas was 33 when he released star wars.
Christian Bale was in his 20s when he landed leading man roles such as reign of fire, american psycho, and batman begins.
Jesus christ was 33 when the jews brutally killed him, his actions up to that point will have massively changed mankind 99% of people, forever.
Peter Jackson was 32 when he got hundreds of millions funding for lord of the rings.
You are in your 30s or approaching them and that movie idea has amounted to nothing.
You havnt made it.
The screenplay you were working on is just a messy word doc that wouldnt even get read by anyone let alone made into a film.

Is being in your 30s as bad as they make it out to be?

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It's a nightmare from which there is no escape

> Is being in your 30s as bad as they make it out to be?

It is if you havent accomplished anything like still being a virgin for example

Don't these people have an extreme amount of wealth + nepotism?

is there any actual historical evidence that Jesus existed?


Roman historians document it

Christian Bale was already in a Steven Spielberg film at like age 11 or something.

Attached: Steven-Spielberg-Empire-Sun-1024x671.jpg (1024x671, 101.52K)

The Roman killed Jesus, not the Jews. He’s the king of the Jews. Worshipping him is worshipping a Jew. Nothing wrong with that, just letting you know

Yes. His skull was recently found in Texas.

If your career hasnt peaked by 17 youre unironically never gonna make it

I'm in my 40s, I have no family - all I've had are bit parts on TV shows that no one really watched. I have no regrets.

"Roman historians"... You mean Judeans who made all that shit up?

Tell me you're a faggot and a pagan atomwaffen sperg without actually telling me

Dumb christfag. Give me the names of the contemporary Roman historians who wrote about Jesus.

Can we get Emma Watson shooped onto the right now

>crowd of jews choose to spare a thief over Christ
>Romans go out of their way to stall the execution
>jews literally cry out in bloodlust to let the murder be on the heads of them and their children forever

Sure thing, Moshe

Hahaha I didn’t know the posters here were actually aspiring filmmakers with dusty old scripts sitting in the closet

That's as far as I'm going to lead you. Now you can put aside your gay shit or go back to drinking cum to please Odin

I can't really say that apathy helps, since the apathy has been so strong for so long reading stuff like "You havnt made it" doesn't even affect me at all. It's like water off a ducks back, I'm not even 30 yet, sometime in my early 20s something just broke and since then I haven't really cared about anything barring having a good time. Outlook may be bleak, but at least I'm enjoying the downward spiral. I'm not sure I'd recommend apathy, but I feel like it beats worrying about accomplishing things or making people proud.

>Roman historians document it
the earliest Roman references to Jesus are from over 70 years after his alleged death. None of them are in the context of him being a real person who existed or documenting his human life, merely in the context of their personal reflections on the idea of Jesus as a religious figure.

>Is being in your 30s as bad as they make it out to be?
no, my 30s are way better than my 20s desu

Really surprising how the mere passing mention of Christ in the OP brings out all the jews, atheists, and gays, like a bunch of fuckin' demons

But user, I have a cute and hot wife that cooks and clean for me everyday. She's also smart and a hardworker, just landed a nice raise at work that makes her earn more monies than me.
We're trying for babies and are on our way to buy a house in a village not too far away from the city.

Are we ok ? Did I make it ? I wish we could win lotto or something to never ever worry about money and live the lavish life though.

Attached: happy.jpg (3396x2727, 2.05M)

>Is being in your 30s as bad as they make it out to be?
as a man, as long as you're "on track" and not a fucking loser, your 30s will be much better than your 20s. As a woman, no time in your life will ever be as good as your teens and early-mid 20s.

Where is Lainey from originally? I know she lives in Amsterdam but she’s not from The Netherlands. Her whole brand of Americanesque snuzzlegaboo isn’t particularly common or popular here, so I wonder why she chose to come here/why she adapted this ostensibly conformist style.

take your meds

Jesus was a Jew. Deal with it, cognitive dissonance christfag.

>Sky wizard insult
What fucking year is it lmao is it 2006 or what

So by your logic Malcolm X was not black because blacks murdered him?

Jesus was a Jew, and you're worshipping a Jew. Deal with it.

>still believing in the magic jew
What fucking year is it lmao 25 B.C.?

Christ was Caesar

Stay seething kikes

Imagine thinking being a christcuck isn't as laughable as being a kike somehow, at least muzzies put women in their place and kill fags/infidels, you cucks have nothing worthwhile.

>Is being in your 30s as bad as they make it out to be?
Yes, if you're poor, have no family, no aspirations, and no job.

Keep worshipping a Jew, goodgoy.