So who was this guy?

So who was this guy?

Attached: last-jedi-snoke-quote-1_09d3c792.jpg (891x669, 69.03K)

Everything you need to know was in the film. he was the supreme leader in control of the first order, and he harassed and manipulated his student Kylo Ren. Then Kylo kills him and takes his place. His actual backstory will then be told in zogslop for children in 3-8 years like absolutely everything else in Star Wars

Didn’t rise of skywalker reveal that he was like a clone or some shit.

They are going to connect the baby yoda dna to this pathetic excuse for a villian.

test tube baby made from palpatine

They already did that in Mandalorian

Watch The Mandalorian season 3 to find out!

Watch the Star Wars tv shows make the sequels good

Or those were clones of him. Oddly, they all had identical injuries.

Maybe, maybe not.

He was obviously supposed to be Plaeguis now he’s an experimental clone I don’t understand was he autonomous or was palpatine controlling him like a puppet?

Who cares?

>he was the supreme leader in control of the first order,

Why? He was clearly unhinged. Why would anyone willingly follow such a weirdo? With the Empire, you can believe that he came to power and thus you can't remove him, which is a realistic thing that happens. Sometimes you just get crazy emperors. But with the First Order they're a new organization who are just starting up, and they have a cult like devotion to some psychotic geezer with a hairpin trigger?

Palps also would never abuse his underlings like he did. You are either on good terms or he is gonna kill you.

US audiences wouldn't realise it was the same dude unless he was the same age, had the same scars and wore the same robe

This! Wowzers, aren't you excited for [new product], OP?

Even the writers don't know. They just threw out "clones? I guess?" as a handwave for Palpatine's return and for Snoke. This is the same film where Palps just conurs up an entire fleet of Super Stardestroyers out of nowhere.

darth jobber was his name

The backstory JJ ended up giving for this dude was embarrassingly bad. No wonder he avoided explaining anything in TFA. The fact that he made tens of millions from his butchering of Star Wars is a crime against society. I hate Rian too but at least his autism led to JJ being forced to retake the reigns and be exposed as the fraud he is.

He's just JJ Abrams fanfic.

Best theory he was one of the kids from the Jedi temple. Survived with injuries, went into hiding, then had an intense hatred of Jedi. Would have looped around and connected the Prequels to the new series.

>darth jobber was his name

Him and whatshisface aren't even Sith either. I have no clue why Disney is insisting on that either. They never get "Darth" names. Might be some money saving issue or something.