Bunch of short movies you will forget right after you watch them

bunch of short movies you will forget right after you watch them

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The Witness was good enough that I still remember its title years later.

All I remember is that it was kino

I still remember the one with Michael B Jordan hiding from the alien

I remember the one about the pool cleaning robot becoming a famed artist


S1 no
S2 yes and ugly

I remember the one about Russians in WWII fighting werewolves that was pretty well animated and the one about the crew of a spaceship that are living in a dreamworld while some alien fungus thing is eating them and the big reveal that the captain has been fucking some spider thing the entire time

Reminder that the only reason this was made is because Fincher couldn’t get a remake of Heavy Metal financed and just gave up. His version would have had segments directed by him, James Cameron and Gore Verbinski

Oh, now I remember those too.

i liked the ending to that CGI movie

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the christmas one is super scary though

Who /zimablue/ here?

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>throwing severed hand in space gravity-like short
>sexing a hydralisk
>asian grill witnessing her own murder
>the wolf brothers being used in middle eastern war
>the pokemon fight dome with monsters
that's about all I can remember. how many episodes was it again?

I still haven't forgotten how much I want to have sex with the disabled fight club monster lady

that was one of the best ones
In the new season had its moments too, with the Giant and Into the Tall Grass being memorable

Zima blue is the only short with anything sort of sytle, creativity or meaning, the majority of the content wouldn't feel out of place as video game cutcenes or generic DUST trash and the one that brazenly rips off that one episode of the simpsons is genuinely disgusting.
There were a handful that were at least competent with their stories and one or two had art styles that weren't utterly generic, but Blue is the only one that had any sort of heart or talent behind it.

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Weren’t they fighting demons not werewolves?


I remember the one about the Beast fights because it was very shit.

Overall, one of the worst shows I've ever seen. Zima Blue was transcendant, though.

the one where the guy is actually old is good



i liked the one with the russians fighting nazi-germany-evoked demons