Was highschool like this for anyone?

Was highschool like this for anyone?

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No I was a gigachad who slayed mad poon

Only if you're around a bunch of faggots

>had tons of friends in HS
>all of them went on to be successful, got married, watch them succeed on FaceBook
>never speak to any of them anymore
>am a NEET KHV with no future

i was a lonely loser in high school, but i had to pray to god in order to get a gf

is the gay rape in the movie? that was the best part

Op here yeah no one ever makes a movie about those who are just faces you see in the hall...

never seen it

Every chud on Any Forums would have been lucky to have a friend as kind, understanding, and accepting as Patrick

Attached: perks of being a wallflower webm comp.webm (1280x1280, 1.13M)

but hes a fag tho

So what? That has nothing to do with him being a good friend
LGBT people on average make better friends than cishets

Attached: charlie BTFO the chuds.webm (900x506, 2.72M)

i read this book, everyone in it sucks, i fucking hate this book.

>call your friend a faggot
>he starts crying
yeah I don't think it's gonna work out

never seen it so idk
I'd explain but it'd be a blogpost
anyway youre all gay

i barely remember anything besides 4 solid years of mtg and drugs
those rich white astronauts' kids were the biggest pushers in hs, not the nigs or spics

Nice try with the revisionism but he wasn't crying, he just punched the other faggot for being a hypocrite pseud closetfag

Attached: faggot.webm (800x450, 2.51M)

Gay rape? Please elaborate

this is a movie for women, i did not watch it. you are gay.

But he abandoned the MC too at one point, even tho the MC did nothing wrong to him

Not really, he didn't talk to Charlie for a little while because of what he did but quickly started hanging out with him again. It was however during that time period no one else would talk to him/was ignoring him. So Patrick was his only friend.

No. There weren't really "cliques" at my school. You had general divisions between the whites and mexicans because they routinely mixed so after the first year or so everybody hung out with eachother. There was the "tree people" who sat under the big tree in the quad who can be called the "cool kids". Most parties were thrown by them and they dominated the school gov/football/basketball shit. Then you had the super nerds who hung out in one class, then the artsty fartsy band/theatre kids. Finally, you had the hicks. Outside of these groups most of everybody hung around everybody else. Barely any fights or drama besides typical shit. I was one of those kids that hung out with everybody. Had a core group of nerdy mexicans but also had connections with everybody else. Nothing crazy for me. Couple of girlfriends, threw a couple parties. Most of HS was spent bullshitting and playing video games with friends. Kind of miss it

>in the book Ezra is a top
talk about dishonest filmmaking.

>There weren't really "cliques" at my school.
>I was one of those kids that hung out with everybody
>Most of HS was spent bullshitting and playing video games with friends
are you me but from the south?

I graduated in 2015, I think thats usual for our generation. It wasn't like the 80s
Also not from the south, northern california. We have the hick and mexican dynamic here too

at my high school nobody was willing to come out yet so even though we were so horny we had to wait till way later to fuck. how about you guys?

Is class of 15 considered zoomer or millennial

I had my first ever encounter with a troon in my choir class, dude was some spindly lanklet who wore leather, fishnet stockings, and had really bad makeup. big wake-up call to me my senior year.
genuinely would not be surprised if he weren't alive anymore

There were a few flaming gays and a few normal gays at my school
None of the guys have since then "come out" but a few girls became lesbos after high school. One of them was really into me and I don't know what this is supposed to imply

whatever happened to logan lerman any way?

I graduated same year as him, we're considered on the cusp as we grew up with lots of internet influence (zoomer) but also enjoyed some millennial pop culture (mainly TV shows and music)

>girl super into a guy then becomes "lesbian"
women have far more malleable sexuality, odds are she was upset by being rejected by you and turned to women to make her happy.
a shocking % of "lesbian" women are quite literally just going through a phase and later on in life just consider themselves straight. and this is irrespective of my own personal opinion on fags

This was on my list of movies to watch because someone randomly recommended it. But now that I know its about fans I can safely skip it. Thanks OP

1997 and up is zoomer so the very oldest would be millennials but most would be zoomers.

I honestly believe this movie was the beginning of the 2010s sjw/gamergate/woke trend, I fucking hate it. Things really changed after 2012

Attached: TYRp1zhm.jpg (306x306, 17.1K)

I encourage people ugly people to get into lgbt because I don't want them reproducing. Especially minorities

Someone photoshop the title to "the perks of hitting the wall" and photoshop nu Emma on it

I've never seen it so I can't say