Just found out Ireland allowed abortion just 2 years ago

Just found out Ireland allowed abortion just 2 years ago

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Abortion is one of the vilest crimes I can think of, I waq going to ask 'How can you kill your own child ??' but then I realized that evil societies have been sacrificing babies for thousands of years

Ireland is evil

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Its literally a clump of cells

forced pregnancy is slavery

they still allow it retard

you are literally just a clump of cells

Thanks I will toast later today in celebration.

There is LITERALLY nothing wrong with killing a baby as long as you dont induce suffering.
>Hurr durr
Cant say how its wrong without schizo religious gobbledigook () or hating on women

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>baby murder
disgustingly exploitive and should be outlawed
>LARPing as a DND character and preforming rituals that do FUCKING NOTHING
>holding hands with the same sex
Why are christoids like this.
I hate that trying to fight evil shit forces you to join hands with actual retards

so is your tattarniggerskalle

based, can't believe it wasn't officially allowed before

just found out i wasn't aborted

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They only allowed divorce in 1995.

How the fuck is their society so archaic and behind everyone else

I don't care if you're pro abortion but if you make retarded excuses as to why it's supposedly not murder then i have no respect for you. There's literally a DNA, everything about how the baby will look and many characteristics it will have for the potential 80+ years of it's life that you are taking away. If you're pro abortion then at least acknowledge that it's murder and don't cope with shit like "it doesn't feel anything, it's just a bunch cells!!!"


>you are literally just a clump of cells
it has no consciousness or intelligence of any kind

not every killing is murder

Jacking off is straight up genocide then

>Swedish biology education

wtf im a cannibal

You can justify murder with that trail of thought. I'm not saying I don't like it though

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i wish i was aborted

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Semen can not become a baby without a womb. So no it's not similar

neither can an embryo?