This Adam guy is pretty funny

This Adam guy is pretty funny

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>Stamper will never be on oneyplays
Hurts bros

>stamper will never show up again to accidentally admit he got molested
Whats lost can never be found

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Adam is fucking boring and TOO retarded
>haha lol he takes 5 minutes to finish a sentence and it’s just dull mumbling
Cory is actually hilarious and hilariously stupid
>”what’s that tower in England called? Uncle Ben? Ben Drowned?”
More Cory, less Adam. I don’t see why Chris is so enamoured by him.

I want to make Zach mad Michaels idea from the first positive stream "the foes" into a real show I think it was real potential

I think Cory lives in Philly now and is still working on his vaporware game so its not likely.

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Adam is still far more tolerable than that faggot Lyle

They need to just pick different games where he doesn't need to read anything. Poor guy comes across like he has one brain cell

DD&J>Cory>Zach era>Tomar and Lyle

Adam still needs to prove himself.

>chris is such a massive retard nostalgiafag he will bitch and sperg about games 10 minutes in that hes not even playing solely because "muh childhood" or to repeat internet circlejerks he read
>he straigh up repeats autistic larping, misinfo, consolewars and shit opinions of games he doesnt even know solely due reading them on Any Forums
>wants to make a platform while hating mario galaxy which is an example of success platform physics and mechanics wise
>fake hates other ninty stuff he never even played solely because shills on Any Forums told him to
Apart being a nostalgiafag retard who only likes 3 games, hes also a whiny bitch in general now
The moment he stopped using his chaos retard humour and became a bitter retard, there was no salvation, no matter if the gues is good, chris is what ruins it now

>Any Forumstard cant enjoy the humor of the videos because he gets triggered by an irish autist having different vidya opinions

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Zach, Dingdong, Cory, etc, the good ones cant save the show as before because Chris is a dumb bitch who wont bounce off, Zach was constantly saving his bad jokes and actual retarded shit he stole from Any Forums and kiwifemcels
>that time 2 years ago he became a puritanfag and it just mathes with when Any Forums was getting raided by religious group
>that time he believed cat fur was a drug cause he read online
>that time he wanted so hard to bitch and moan about earthbound then turns out he played 5 minutes and got stuck before the starman
>that time he loved Mario Odyssey on camera then pretended he hated all mario years later jut to fit in with the online kids
Hes that one imbecile that believes everything he reads online and any astroturfing or retards baiting he not only thinks its a real opinion but copies it, its a miracle hes not a flat earth yet

>Jeff/JohnyUtah is a real gay nounce (as in, actually wants to rape lil boys for real)
>because he hasnt "done" anything yet they stick to him and are his ""friends"" even though hes a real time bomb and they got rid of people over the femcels not liking them
>it was so casual chris straigh up play-calls him that as a joke becaue "its fine he hasnt done anything" (yet)
>even though jeff is now a massive projecting sjw that wants all anime censored (cause he blames it for being anounce instead of accepting its on him) and after he constantly spergs out at other people like jontron

>chris is what ruins it now
agreed, even good new blood like neo-retard in the op cant truly get the old times back since oney is such a cunt now. Imagine hating kino vydia solely because astroturfing in Any Forums tells him to. If he used Any Forums hed be defending disney shit because disney shills all their garbo here too
Also his game either never comes out or its gonna be an utter disaster, hes a retard that thinks good gameplay is just bouncing around and anything not hyper-active and spergy is bad, its that kind of sperg that hates every rpg due that too

its weird that he got all social justicey after making a living saying nigger

True. Fuck Lyle, he's an unfunny cunt that thinks he's funny. He always interrupts and talks over people too, because he thinks what he's saying is more funny or important.

Ding Dong and Julian are filthy sodomite reprobates. Imagine enjoying listening to faggots talk.

damn twinkie, even on Any Forums you get all the attention...

who cares? its note like its the focal point of the playthroughs.

Stamper murdered a guy once

Did they ever finish YIIK?

they should be executed by the government according to Leviticus 20:13, i don't want to defile my ears by listening to fags

Oney said they did, but he wants to do an animation for the finale, so its gonna be awhile until its released