Which of these two piles of dog shit smell worse?

Which of these two piles of dog shit smell worse?

Attached: doodoofart.jpg (1004x750, 274.79K)

Short Round isn’t even that bad. It’s Willie that totally sucks.

Neither, both are good. The hate for either is just as misguided and invalid as the hate for the Star Wars prequels and stem from Jewish hatred of George Lucas perpetuated by controlled media.

Im glad that the nazis were the antagonists in these films. Too bad we dont get anymore nazi-slayer kinos, I really think its starting to make people forget about the atrocities they did in WW2

Crystal skull is much, much worse

Nazis were the antagonists in neither of the films pictured here.

the only problem with them is they aren't raiders.

Attached: MolaRamEscape.webm (480x230, 149.94K)


Crystal Skull has become one of my favorite Indy films; while I like the last third of Crusade, the film just doesn't stick for me.

There were no Nazis in either of these movies. You're thinking of the first one. Also, no one's forgetting about their atrocities, that's why they were made villains in the first place.

Did you even watch any of these movies?

Raiders is the better movie but Ford was in peak movie star condition for Temple.

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Temple of Doom is stupid, but also fun. Back from when Spielberg still knew how to have fun.

I suspect he was just baiting the Any Forumstards.

you tried

Willie is fucking stupid and should've never been added into the movie. She was only there because the director was banging her at the time. So fucking annoying to hear someone scream like a banshee and be comic relief in a movie thats trying to be horror

Most zoomers I have talked to dont know anything about the holocaust much believe it even happened. It’s so fucked up…its like anti-history has taken the place of real history

>Comparing an R rated Indy film to a PG one.

Also add to that Ford being younger in one of them, its not hard to choose

None of those matter, all you need to know is Last Crusade is the best entry by far.

It really isn’t. Too goofy and kid friendly. The opening 10 minutes where young Indy gets all his character traits in a single afternoon is completely retarded.

>goofy and kid friendly
What is action adventure genre you midwit

It didn't happen, but it should have.

Nah. Raiders does it far better.

That's because the world has gone crazy and black is white now. Things that were universally accepted just 20 years ago are now questioned en masse, hence bullshit like the flat earth movement. Don't pay them any mind.

I agree
raiders will always be tops

I don’t completely hate Last Crusade but I think all of 80s era Spielberg’s worst tendencies are on display in that movie followed by Hook which he fully admits was a complete misfire. Jurassic Park was his return to form in the 90s.

Jurassic Park was his last family blockbuster too before his "serious era" began with Schindler's List and lasted until Munich. Then he entered his third era, the sellout phase, with garbage like Crystal Skull and shit that came after like Ready Player One.

Temple of Doom is good user.

Bridge of Spies is underrated kino but otherwise, yeah. Most of his serious stuff was pretty forgettable.

Failed bait.

Out of all the indy movies harrison ford is hottest in temple of doom

This shit always blew my mind as a kid. How did he know to make a secret escape right in that spot?