There are North Americans on this board that believe their quality of life is higher than in Québec

There are North Americans on this board that believe their quality of life is higher than in Québec

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Ton arrier arrier grandpere bros

the one and only place with soul left in an entire continent.

Le Mexique et certaines parties des States ont du sovl, tout de même

I live in montreal and I've been around quebec a bit now, moved here from ontario

I can ASSURE anyone reading there is no significant difference in quality of life

also frenchies are weirdly authoritarian compared to anglos, don't like it, also they are passing a new law soon to clamp down on english speakers even more

>also frenchies are weirdly authoritarian compared to anglos
lol, lmao even

>tout de même

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Nobody is more obsessed with Quebec other than themselves

frenchoids wouldn't hesitate to ban certain articles of clothing while in angloland that's an almost unthinkable breech

french literally have a prescriptive government institution that regulates their language

people kept wearing masks here right until the very day the government lifted the mandates

then leave them alone if you dont accept canada frenchness, keep the majority of the lands and material ressources, you win in all sectors, just leave.

I heard Montreal is becoming the capital of artificial intelligence.

It's nice to see Quebec, a country of 8 million people, is stronger than the land of obesity and its 330 million people.

None of what you said is true, it's just your biased *nglo opinion.

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Quebec also has a monopoly on really random stuff, like printing, maple syrup, culture in Canada etcetc.

>I can ASSURE anyone reading there is no significant difference in quality of life

We have sex and stay up past 9PM

Also we speak two languages and are immersed in both former european superpowers, that makes us galaxy brain by angloid standards

if quebec left it would probably be a tiny shadow of its former self, its northern lands (where they get all their cheap hydroelectricity, and do logging mining etc) are populated by indigenous people who would not hesitate to pick working with canada over working with an independent quebec

ah yes, thx you angloid for your charity

>Quebec, a country of 8 million people

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also half the criminality of baseline Canada

also extreme anti-government sentiments, my parents would disown me if I joined the military and I wouldn't want it any other way

>my parents would disown me if I joined the military

would say based but this is probably some nationalist bullshit, could be wrong THOUGH

>7,692 millions km2
>25,69 millions inhabitants

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>7,000 million km2 arid
>692 million km2 arable

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ragoût de boulettes

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