Come to Any Forums

>come to Any Forums
>they're bitching about a cartoon movie again
>watch it
>is really funny like every movie that Any Forums hates
never fail me Any Forumsbros

Attached: abby.png (659x448, 454.2K)

>Finding a movie intended for little girls going through puberty funny
You need to be in jail


Attached: a51 (1).png (1932x1756, 60.92K)

i will never watch any cartoon or flick on my talmudvision


To me it was mediocre at best. The characters weren't as annoying as I thought they would be, but the character design is ugly as shit, however the mother was decent looking at least. That's the most praise I can give this movie.

It’s almost as if shitposters base their opinions on out of context webms with no sound.

>thought the girl was siding with her mom so she could have her 3 friends go to the nsync show
>nah, she was just being a bitch who backed out on her friends
fuck this movie, kek

>ask my niece if she saw turning red
>yah i saw it like 5 freaking times i like it
>hehe cool kiddo, yeah it looks funny
thats how its done

You know you can use your own words for once, you don't have to copy every epic meme XD to get a point across.

Why are you so amused by things intended for children?
Says quite a bit about what anyone should think about your opinions

>Movie is not about Abby

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>i'm a twatter normalfag
Fuck off then

people like you will say this shit and then go watch euphoria and jerk off to an old white man's version of high school. sorry you have no taste.

>The characters weren't as annoying as I thought they would be
they actually were

this is the only character in which the exaggerated expressions look somewhat decent

They weren't extremely annoying, just annoying and bland, just shallow supporting characters with surface level personalities.

no, they truly were all annoying, especially meilin.
two minutes in when she's monologuing about how she does whatever she wants I already hated this character because she was a freakishly, aggressively obnoxious little shit. I would have found this character annoying even if I were a child myself because she is so full of herself and constantly spazzing out and doing retarded shit.
all her little faggot friends were just as bad because they were neurotic and obnoxious little shits just like her, all acting fucking retarded with utmost confidence all the time, constantly shouting. they are just all annoying. truly insufferable. and them looking like a fucking grubhub commercial with retarded facial expressions just makes it worse.
the fucking weirdoes that write shit for hollywood movies are inhuman. it's like they have never interacted with a human in their entire life outside of san francisco. all their characters are so obnoxious and unreal. yes I get it's a kid's movie but kids movies now are so immature it's disgusting. think about a goofy movie or toy story and then look at this absolute dreck.

I can see how people can find them more annoying than I did. I guess I've just built up a tolerance to obnoxious characters nowadays. They're all still shit characters.

Abby is SUCH a Pim.

Attached: turning-red.jpg (4096x2892, 576.35K)

>I guess I've just built up a tolerance to obnoxious characters nowadays
zoomers love cape shit so your right

i love abby
wish she would shout angry korean at me and stomp on my dick