Woop loop skidded woooop, that's not where the car goes you fucking stupid nigger!

>woop loop skidded woooop, that's not where the car goes you fucking stupid nigger!

Attached: 1647392746127.jpg (1380x1242, 74.87K)

>why yes I am a narcateer, how could you tell

Attached: gigachad.jpg (680x763, 33.41K)

Put the cart back??? How dare you! I'm going INSANE!

Attached: MV5BMTQ4NTc3NTM3Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTY4OTQwNA@@._V1_.jpg (725x485, 67.7K)

Don't be a lazy bones, sir

I'll put the cart back I gotta change my tyre first

Attached: changing a tyre.webm (520x636, 2.89M)

If that's the guy, he looks way different than I expected.

People who leave carts everywhere are annoying, but not even half as annoying as this obnoxious poofter.

Yeah but didn't you hear that sigma males leave carts everywhere and cucks return the carts? You don't want to be a cuck, right?

get a job you wank stain

>lazy bones doesn't have time to put cart back
>has time to get in a shouting match with a total stranger

unironically what is wrong with people

People that don't put the cart back are dysgenic and feral creatures.

where's the video of the guy who takes a gun out on him

I have a feeling they actually have parts of their brain missing. It's not that they're deliberately doing something they know is wrong it's just they lack the abstract thinking required to imagine the consequences of leaving your cart out.

anyone else enjoy it more when the person apologizes, gets the cart, and cart narc thanks them?

god thats pathetic, why would you video yourself being weak then presumably post it publicly somewhere for people to find?

>ameriniggers dont have carts with chains that unlock with a coin or token
Your fault for enabling nigger behaviour.

We do actually and some people are still lazy as fuck and just leave the quarter in the cart

Im eurocuck and I have never seen someone leave a cart with their coin in it.
You americans are pigs.

>It's not that they're deliberately doing something they know is wrong

This is a conclusion I have come to as well about those that engage in disreputable behavior, or outright violate the law. They truly do not believe what they have done is wrong and they believe their actions are justifiable and reasonable. People do not choose to behave unreasonably (unless provoked) and whether it be leaving the shopping carts or not washing their hands or any number of things that come across as low class, they always have a justification on hand for what they are doing. In the case of the shopping carts, they are certain that it is not their job to return it and that there are employees tasked with the responsibility. These people are also the type that leave unwanted items on different shelves, do not pick up items that have fallen on the floor to put them back, and do not do their own bagging. They will only do what they MUST do rather than perform a task that provides no reward to them. Selfish behavior has an evolutionary precedent and is most rewarded in times of crisis and scarcity, but since we do not live in those times these people come across as uncivilized barbarians to those that play an active and voluntary role in society by assisting others.

We have a serious black person problem here

you just have to look at his face and know