
Respect edition

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cat fish

Attached: 1653321668972.png (422x422, 323.82K)

>get ripped out of your mother during birf because she doesn't want to ruin her pussy for tyrone
>get fed baby formula then live your entire life with 14921947129471 allergies

Im indeed patriot but i barely did any Any Forums tier posts on balk i usually post shit about daily life

>chicken shot
>pig shot
>bat shot
>maymun shot
slot reserved

What a retard

Be respectfull to each other in this edition

ROMAnians make atrocious editions on purpose
I refuse to believe that an entire nation can be reddit

Based, only idiots are scared of vaccines

my pc died today. so i checked the prices of different components and everything seems way more expensive than before
even a simple monitor is 250-300 bgn, while minecosted 169 or smth (lowest class)
what the fuck

is this how you cope being vaccinated? i ain't vaccinated + pure blood

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I bought a brand new bibbeo card for 370 BGN in late 2020. Recently checked what it sells for on OLX.
600 - 800 BGN fucking USED

Makkes will remain in the EUless cage

I'm a supporter of free choice, if you wanna have the vaccine have it, if you don't, then don't get it.

i am fully unvaxxinated

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So stupid to veto them again

I'll vaxx your butt. Where was muh 5 PM ding ding dong?

I'm shilling for Ukraine in this war but the Baltics starting to piss me off. I'm sorry Russia is an imminent threat to you, to us it is not. Kinda getting tired of getting deeper and deeper dragged into this shitty war. When will American assets be frozen and used to rebuild Libya or Syria then? Hypocrisy everywhere

To add, if we would've been invaded by Turkey Ukrainians wouldn't give two shits about it and we all know it


But Ukraine is white/jewish. Libya and Syria are brown and muslim.

guess i am just gonna do like the zoomers and use a smartphone for everything

I'm more amazed how Zelensky thinks turning his country into a permanent war zone is the way to go.
What will happen when the mutts stop sending him freebies?