Why doesn’t Europe have a true major entertainment industry?

Why doesn’t Europe have a true major entertainment industry?

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What about vidya?



we do but its english language and made for american audiences

We do vidya and songs. We import the cinema since we don't have enough money to make it ourselves.

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We do tho, youre just way too much immature to appreciate anything that isnt made for kids.

it doesn't they don't have one just because they don't mass produce cp japbro

I am. I live in western Ukraine, aside from a few cruise missiles, my city didn't get hit that hard.

The best anime are made in France
The best music comes from the UK
Some of the best series are made in Spain

France does the best comedy films in the world to be desu

Because Europe isn't a single country so we don't have just ONE entertainment industry. Every country has many of their own and it's much better than some shitty monopoly.

I started watching this and I like it

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because they can speak english
they are american now

>Because Europe isn't a single country

but you can speak english
europe is a single country

Islam forbids it

But you speak English too. And that doesn't mean every single Japanese person speaks English. Same goes for Europe: if aome idiots on Any Forums speak English, it doesn't mean that entire Europe does.

So you don't make anything good?

we do but it's in our native languages so you will never know about it

European movies are vastly superior to hollywood

Do you have refugees from Eastern Ukraine? Do Western Ukrainians and Eastern Ukrainians get along?